Beginner Woodworking

How to get into woodworking

Many of our vistors often wonder what is the best way to start woodworking so we wanted to cover some important aspects for every beginner woodworker to understand. By the end of this short article, you will know where to get the information and education you need to be a skilled woodworker and you will also learn about some of the basic tools you can start using so you can get comfortable with your new interest.

One of the best things you can do is keep educating yourself and stay up to date with the latest information. Even though we are covering the basics of woodworking, this industry is highly evolved and will take years to master all the various techniques and use of equipment. Our blog is loaded with helpful tips and videos, along with a full training center on how to become an expert woodworker. You can also search online as there are number of popular woodworking magazines and websites that are loaded with helpful information.

DIY Woodworker

What if you could build your own cigar box or a toy box for your kid? What if you could design a jewelry box for your spouse vs. going out and buying one. So many people want to do this but they don't know how or where to start. They believe in all these invisible limitations like they need a lot of money for the best tools or they need a huge shop with every tool. Or maybe they are concerned they could never learn how to build a square box in a thousand lifetimes. All of these are simply myths. You might not become a master woodworker right away but all you need to do is focus on one thing at a a time.

If you're on a budget or don't want to drop a lot of money on a new hobby, you can get by without buying premium grade tools. They won't last forever but you can save money for other equipment that will be needed.

Woodworking tools and supplies

The number of tools used are vast when it comes to what you can accomplish as a woodworker but the beginner should master the fundamental tools first. This includes hand tools: hammer, nails, some chisels, saw, and work bench with clamps. For more advanced projects you will need some power tools like a drill and jigsaw but these can get you by initially. You will eventually want to upgrade to circular saw which provides a straigher and cleaner cut. You may quickly find how fast these tools can drain your bank account and this is why it's good to check before you invest in all these tools. Keep in mind, we are only listing off a few things to get you started.

If you're on a budget or don't want to drop a lot of money on a new hobby, you can get by without buying premium grade tools. They won't last forever but you can save money for other equipment that will be needed.

Woodcrafters Shop

If you don't have the budget or the room to build your own woodcrafters shop, you can always take advantage of the community woodworkers shop where you can rent space to do your own DIY projects. You also get to use premium grade tools and can gain education and certification on how to use the most popular woodworking tools. This is a great option for those who are starting out but serious about getting into woodworking. Renting the space and tools is perfect if you don't want to fork over your entire bank account to make it happen. Starting in a shop vs. renting your own allows you to budget for other business growth activities like hiring and marketing.

what you should know before you rent a woodshop

If you plan on renting a shop, we have come across some important things everyone should know. Being informed ahead of time will allows you to make caclulated decisions on what is best for your needs. Most people can get away by renting shop space vs. renting out an entire woodworking shop. This is where IsGoodWoodWorks comes in handy. We offer a large facility with all the latest and necessary woodworking tools. Whether you are brand new or experienced woodcrafter, you will find our shop can help you complete almost any size job. If you need to rent a woodshop fast, checkout this article so you know what to look out for. How to find a woodworking shop rental fast.

Cabinet Making Video Example