William "Black Billy" Holdren

Something you should know: Billy is a psychopath. Oh, he looks normal. He even (basically) acts normal.

He isn’t.

Read what's been goin' down in the World of Billy by hittin' this here link

Billy is mildly attractive, if somewhat hard-bitten. If you simply analyze his physical features, he’s nothing more than average but somehow the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. He’s average height with a wiry build. He’s Caucasian, but has a dark complexion, pocked by acne scars. His dark eyes are deep-set, hard and implacable. His dark, shaggy hair is just long enough to cover his slightly protruding ears. He has a straight nose, high cheek bones and a strong jaw.

Commonly found in dirty jeans, a t-shirt and a black motorcycle jacket. His combat boots are old and worn.

Drug dealer of tainted pharmaceuticals a la Pentex, informant for ICS (Pentex subdivision). Billy also feels it is his personal duty to protect the other dealers (lesser quality stuff, of course), gang members, prostitutes and squatters from being “persecuted” or brought into mainstream society.

Blogger sites, racist chatrooms, conspiracy theories, stalking, sadism, opportunistic serial murder. Billy spends his free time on his computer, spreading as much hatred, dissention and misinformation as possible.

Crappy railroad apt, computer, stereo
Carried gear: Saturday Night Special (.380), cell phone, drugs (for sale, always), Fetishes

Lives on the Lower Eastside of Manhatten (the Bowery)
Hive: Better Living Through Chemistry Hive, aka “Dopetown”, located somewhere beneath Newark, NJ

Lillian Holdren, nurse and suspected “Angel of Mercy”. (Think “Annie Wilkes” of Misery) Lillian worked at various mental and elderly institutions, leaving a string of abused and dead patients behind. There was never enough evidence to convict her (or take away her son) but she was blacklisted by the medical community. She ended up doing in-home care for less-than-caring children of elderly and often demented patients.

Unknown. Billy suspects that he was one of his mother’s patients. Was it consensual or rape?

Billy was abused by his controlling mother both mentally and occasionally sexually. He left home at 14 to squat in the St.Mark’s area of NYC. There, he was discovered by the Black Spiral Dancers who were only too happy to initiate him in their various ways. One particular Elder, Yrgrut, took a special liking to Billy. From him, Billy learned of the Wyrm and “Our Little Secret” (aka Rite of the Survivor).

As an agent of the Wyrm, Billy is devoted. Oh, he was disturbed before dancing the Shattered Labyrinth certainly, but now he is a full blown psychopath. He is bored easily and has no real empathy. He knows how to read a mark, but he really cannot identify with the feelings of others. That others have feelings or that they are worth considering is beyond his ken. His duty is to destroy the Weaver so that the Wyrm might be freed. He believes he may do so by assisting in the break down of the orderly and lawful bonds of society. He uses manipulation to convince impressionable teens to commit hate crimes, join cults and run away. He encourages them to kill their parents or friends. He plants the seeds of discord in any hearts open to his bilious words.

Billy speaks:
Once the Weaver is destroyed, the Wyrm will devour the world. Its cleansing will open a path for a new existence, where balance may once again be attained. The Wyrm was the original source of balance and will be once more. Even the Wyld approves of the Wyrms corruption of the Weaver’s devices. Rampant cancers in the human populations, mutations and deformities caused by radiation and the freaks produced by toxic dumping are just a few Wyld signs of complicity. The Gaians and their hubris stand in the way. In their rigid devotion to the World Bitch (who is not worth reviving) they have enabled the Weaver to cast her web long and far. Pride comes before a fall, and they surely will. We look forward to seeing them destroyed, unless of course they finally see reason and a cause worth fighting for. Father Wyrm graciously accepts all who seek a righteous path.”

Name: Billy Holdren, “Mo’ Gurak” to other BSDs
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ragabash

Personal Totem: Defiler Wyrm
Concept: Sower of Chaos
Tribe: Black Spiral Dancer

Want to see some lovely, lovely avatars for our man, Billy? Go here.


Mistletoe killing an oak, Rats gnawing cables in two,
Moths making holes in a cloak, How they must love what they do!
Yes, and we Little Folk too, We are busy as they,
Working our works out of view, Watch, and you'll see it some day!

No indeed! We are not strong, But we know Peoples that are.
Yes, and we'll guide them along, To smash and destroy you in War!
We shall be slaves just the same? Yes, we have always been slaves,
But you -- you will die of the shame,
And then we shall dance on your graves!

-- Rudyard Kipling



Strength **
Dexterity **
Stamina ***


Charisma ****
Manipulation ****
Appearance **


Perception **
Intelligence ***
Wits ***


Athletics *
Alertness *
Dodge *
Empathy **
Expression *
Intimidation **
Primal-Urge *
Streetwise ***
Subterfuge ***
Firearms **
Leadership **
Stealth **
Fast Draw *
Survival *
Computer **
Enigma **
Law *
Linguistics *
(Spanish Speaking)
Politics *
Rituals *
Wyrm Lore **
Cosmology *
Poisons *



Contacts **
Fetish **
Resources *
Rites *

Resist Toxin
Bane Protector
Master of Fire
Toxic Claws
Blisssful Ignorance
Wyrm Hide


Rank: Fostern
Power - 1
Infamy - 3
Cunning - 3

Rage - 4
Gnosis - 4
Willpower - 6


Tear of Gaia Level 1 Gnosis 3
Power: Appears as a medium blue glass bead
(worn as a necklace) that turns pearly white in
the presence of strong Gaian influence (similar
to Fang of the Wyrm)

Spucatum Tauri fetish
Rather the anti- spucatum tauri fetish. Prevents
"spucatum tauri" from interfering with the Garou's,
and his party's, actions. Billy recently managed to
wrest this from a wise elder BSD who had seen
many "intersting" things in his life.

Bean Banes(2) Talen (Level .5) Gnosis 7
Summons a Bane when “planted”. Bane will be
friendly toward the BSD who assisted in it’s
physical manifestation

Rite of the Survivor (Level 1)
Rite of Summoning (Level 2)

Psychopath (3)
Cannibal (3)
Coprophilia (3)

Bad Taste (2)

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some material is Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
All rights reserved.

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