These poetry paintings were published in the book "El Cruce de las Fronteras" by Ivonne Flores Caballero, Plaza Y Valdez 2012.
con unas largas alas

wide spread wings burnt in fire

longing for the sky not knowing where to go

then we find the lamb

may you have it, may you leave it

but spare the light, for you don't know where nor how.

viajes por las Américas

walking down the Amazonas, will I have a chance?

let it run far 'til you find

the plata down where the crocodile's waiting,

but there again: we are left wondering at what?

escena con camellos y perro

found in the street timeless, I'm at a loss

dogs do bark when the sun is hot

bear it if you can, but don't leave

as long's time yields a plum for you.

swimming out (too) far

the trip goes out in the sun far away so long

buy me what you can but leave me

'cause now I'm free in the sun,

the water's flying, let it fly.

remedio por esfinges

find the meandering fog that says land in sicht

I don't care if you have it done now,

and then from the trees

we will gather chocolates and nuts,

it will hurt no more.

andando en zapatos mojados

walking on grass, through morass, dirt and snow

when it's dark and when it's cold

tired and worn out

where do I go, where do I fare

and when will I be safe?