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Hello everyone! This is my website. Don't mind my mess, I'm trying to rewrite the code and I'm still working out the bugs. It is filled with all kinds of stuff, and it certainly is not a great website. But it's just a place for me to strech my mini HTML muscles and share a bit of me with you. So check back every now and then, I will be adding things and changing others and hopefully someday it will be finished.

A Little About Me

I was born in New Hampshire on March 20, 1980. When I was five, we moved to West Point, New York, where we lived for 11 years. My dad is in the Army band, more precisely the group known as "The Hellcats." They are a field music group (bugles and drums) that has been at West Point since the Revolutionary War. It is the oldest continuosly occupied military installation in the country.

Me with a barn owl

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