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            ()英女皇(伊利沙伯)﹐邓小平﹐黄鲁宏  (phase)eng queen elisbeth,deng xiaoping,wong lowang

         wong lowang (king of u.n.)or his helper father wong checkwa

黄鲁宏是邓小平加英女皇dna复制人,用途是使联合国氶认中华人民共和国.和使美军越南退兵,和结束文化大革命,使中国免受西方核攻击,使中华民族复兴,收回香港,澳门之用,解决台湾主权及钓鱼台主权联合国给予(联合国皇帝黄鲁宏权力)合法栽决.是宋庆齢向聨合国要求下才复制,1972黄鲁宏在潮州汕头出世,直至七岁才全家移民香港,在香港住天台,平民生活,但他自小很有正义及定性,在没人教导下全班孝第六由圣公会诸圣小学去何文田官立中学数学及学能测験一直是全级第一,操行甲一,中英数社会历史美术等七科A,得三次拾不贪优点,但在中一那年其养父要他绝学,但他自小工作有钱就去补习练成高于诺贝尔奖的学历和李小龙中国功夫,由一九九七邓小平死后他全替邓小平打电话去香港新华社指挥中国军事经济政治全部是黄鲁宏指导发明宏观条控,宏观经济.,破坏三次世界核战中美未日战争,救全世界人生命,江泽民三次南下要接黄鲁宏回中央当军委主席但给江青李兆基及曽荫权破坏,,黄鲁宏写出救世人世界法律和使全人类至富战略使全世界元首氶认他为聨合国皇帝多采用黄鲁宏写英文法律2005世界法律,如给十五年免费,免食宿教育供献世界.黄鲁宏也指导他弟黄鲁飞成千万老板.警察诗:礼意廉始,仁义道德,伸张正义,锄强扶弱,解放军诗:救世人,上刀山,下油锅,视死如归,甘心情愿,绝不退缩,不要回报. 法官诗:廉正光明,黑白分明,头脑淸醒,按制感情,深入分析,赏罚恰当. 网址 tel 662-8161211 fax 662-8160527 tel tai-028161211 fax tai-028160527  mobile 0868474232  oversea 66-868474232

wong lo wang (黄鲁宏) was son of deng xiaoping or eng queen dna max copy person.he position was king of un china king eng prince.he can control the world all person .because he help the world person the life three time or countinune make all the world person rich or he told the china government free education 15year or free eating for china children and make the china government hight level government person older or can believe to mission.but he give taiwan person democracy freedom.or speak the china communist same the west country democracy party because both of the middle or low rank be government only the name was different.his website mobile 66-868474232 thai-0868474232 tel662-8161211 thai028161211-------- -wong lo wang like help poor person,poor person was help much but he help all rank people rich or happy.he use he life combat with deatheo to help all the person of global safe.he was use or invent(wang look control or wang look economic) 宏观调控to help china upgread china 100year.he was science God..wong lowang break three time nuclear war of global(china/ usa)end day war.he law give the world all government use or call wong lo wang was king of un.:礼意廉始,仁义道德,伸张正义,锄强扶弱,解放军诗:救世人,上刀山,下油锅,视死如归,甘心情愿,绝不退缩,不要回报:廉正光明,黑白分明,头脑淸醒,按制感情,深入分析,赏罚恰当.poetry for policeman or armypoliceman use 1 politeness honest attention history 2 kind credit virtue 3extend rightfully 4 crash strong help weak---- army use 1 help whole person 2 up kinfe hill 3down oil pan.4 feel death same withdraw 5i was volunteer 6.never don't withdraw 7.don't repay .justic use .1.deep government or whithe fair3.mind best4.control eq5.deep analyze 6.punish or award perfect  