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            ()英女皇(伊利沙伯)﹐鄧小平﹐黃魯宏  (phase)eng queen elisabeth,deng xiaoping,wong lowang               wong lowang (king of u.n.)or his helper father wong checkwa          wong lowangvideo  權為民所用!利為民所謀!情為民所軒!

慶祝胡錦濤被黃魯宏開除軍委會主席職位黃魯宏決定中央政治局常委習近平,李克強,張德江,劉雲山,張高麗,王岐山,劉廷東.鄧小平複制人上!facebook中國共產黨 · 142 人都對此讚好2012年11月14日13:33 · 中國中央人民政府正式公布日期2012年11月15日



黃魯宏是鄧小平加英女皇dna複制人,用途是使聯合國氶認中華人民共和國.和使美軍越南退兵,和結束文化大革命,使中國免受西方核攻擊,使中華民族復興,收回香港,澳門之用,解決台灣主權及釣魚台主權聯合國給予(聯合國皇帝黃魯宏權力)合法栽決.是宋慶齢向聨合國要求下才複制,1972黃魯宏在潮州汕頭出世,直至七歲才全家移民香港,在香港住天台,平民生活,但他自小很有正義及定性,在没人教導下全班孝第六由聖公會諸聖小學去何文田官立中學數學及學能測験一直是全級第一,操行甲一,中英數社會歷史美術等七科A,得三次拾不貪優點,但在中一那年其養父要他絶學,但他自小工作有錢就去補習練成高於諾貝爾獎的學歷和李小龍中國功夫,由一九九七鄧小平死後他全替鄧小平打電話去香港新華社指揮中國軍事經濟政治全部是黃魯宏指導發明宏觀條控,宏觀經濟.,破壞三次世界核戰中美末日戰爭,救全世界人生命,江澤民三次南下要接黃魯宏回中央當軍委主席但給江青李兆基曽蔭權李澤楷暗殺和破壞,,黃魯宏寫出救世人世界法律和使全人類至富戰略使全世界元首氶認他為聨合國皇帝多採用黃魯宏寫英文法律2005世界法律,如給十五年免費,免食宿教育供獻世界.世界正義道路東南亞用泰國模式中國,非洲用中國模式其他用美國模­­­­式,最後全世界富裕平均用民主模式世界統一,當世界民主統­一,地球核彈自然給民主人民刷除和解決人民生活地球自然沒有一個­乞丐,聯合國皇帝,中­國­皇­帝,英國皇子,鄧小平英女皇複制­人黃魯宏字.只要鄧小平英女皇複制人黃魯宏繼續當聨合國皇帝,地球核彈必定給黃魯宏刷除地球給黃魯宏(宏觀條控)一定沒有一個乞丐,但是必須­聽從黃魯宏說話指示,沒聽黃魯宏說話者必須全家自殺,因黃魯宏就是上帝化身救世人,不聽他說話者會影響全人類滅亡!政治家要控制社會衣食住行旨數使社會收入最底人士都能輕鬆應付,中國皇帝,鄧小平複制人黃魯宏字.中國要立法空置單位和地皮每平方米罰款每月五萬百分之十為賞發現者,中國皇帝,解放軍大元帥字.一個人有國才有家有領袖才有國有清色敵人才可避免國家給侵略人才有生命敵人和領袖的認識和選擇很深入所以我們自小要研究不能出錯會絶子絶孫國教是每個人必要生存知識但要防止洗腦!(黃魯宏)能掉動最少3萬億美元給別人他是鄧小平加英女皇複制人­­,是毛澤東,鄧小平﹐江澤民﹐欽點下一代中國軍委會主席﹐請電­或.662-8161211­Fax 662-8160527 mobile-66-871232876他得250萬解放軍,美­,英,國­,日,法,俄,韓,泰軍,中國人民銀行,香港上海匯豐­銀行有限公­司 ,聯合國支持可e-mail [email protected]給本人或參觀本人網頁,­­他能掉動加拿大和澳洲及英聯邦所有資源和世界所有科技四十億人­勞­動力,身家一百萬兆美金,是世界唯一聯合國合法聯合國皇帝現­黃魯­宏是中國皇帝,英國皇子,聨合國皇帝,解放軍軍委會副主席­,大元­帥官階,黃魯宏是列寧馬克思主義,毛澤東思想,鄧小平理­論,三個­代表,孔子基督教共產黨先驅者,科學上帝真人版專救中­國人.黃魯宏也指導他弟黃魯飛成千萬老闆.警察詩:禮意廉始,仁義道德,伸張正義,鋤強扶弱,軍詩:救世人,上刀山,下油鍋,視死如歸,甘心情願,絶不退縮,不要回報. 法官詩:廉正光明,黑白分明,頭腦淸醒,按制感情,深入分析,賞罰恰當. 網址 tel 662-8161211 fax 662-8160527 tel tai-028161211 fax tai-028160527  mobile 0871232876  oversea 66-871232876 facebook name:lo wang wong.

 wong lo wang (黃魯宏) was son of deng xiaoping or eng queen dna max copy person.he position was king of un china king eng prince.he can control the world all person .because he help the world person the life three time or countinune make all the world person rich or he told the china government free education 15year or free eating for china children and make the china government hight level government person older or can believe to mission.but he give taiwan person democracy freedom.or speak the china communist same the west country democracy party because both of the middle or low rank be government only the name was different.his website mobile 66-868474232 thai-0868474232 tel662-8161211 thai028161211-------- -wong lo wang like help poor person,poor person was help much but he help all rank people rich or happy.he use he life combat with deatheo to help all the person of global safe.he was use or invent(wang look control or wang look economic) 宏觀調控 to help china upgread china 100year.he was science God.wong lowang break three time nuclear war of global(china/u.s.a.)end day war.he law give the world all government use or call wong lo wang was king of u.n..:禮意廉始,仁義道德,伸張正義,鋤強扶弱,解放軍詩:救世人,上刀山,下油鍋,視死如歸,甘心情願,絶不退縮,不要回報:廉正光明,黑白分明,頭腦淸醒,按制感情,深入分析,賞罰恰當.poetry for policeman or armypoliceman use 1 politeness honest attention history 2 kind credit virtue 3extend rightfully 4 crash strong help weak---- army use 1 help whole person 2 up kinfe hill 3down oil pan.4 feel death same withdraw 5i was volunteer 6.never don't withdraw 7.don't repay .justic use.1.deep government or whithe fair3.mind best4.control e.q.5.deep analyze 6.punish or award perfect

共產民主主義Communist democracy



資本主義世界己經滅亡。只有香港有資本主義﹐共產主義和共產民主主義在中國還有他的需要直至中國中產階級佔中國八成﹐中國有完善社會保障﹐中國成發達國家﹐中國人九成人是大學生,中國沒有週邊敵人.中國就可用民主主義 ﹐現在民主主義﹐民主資本主義﹐資本主義在中國不適合用


Cosmopolitanism points communism, communist democracy, democracy, democratic capitalism, capitalism, the end of production, in the middle, high, class

The capitalist world has been destroyed. Only Hong Kong, capitalism, communism and democracy in Communist China, and his needs until the Chinese middle class, accounting for Bacheng, China has to improve the social security, the Chinese into a developed country, adults nine Chinese students,China has no enemies around. China can use democracy,

and now democracy, democratic capitalism, capitalism is not suitable for use in China


共產黨有神論神創世記 Communist Party of God of Genesis theism


Ideological side of the universe is not with the brain side of the brain it is divided into two universes, conflict because they shape the sound and ideas of the Big Bang, the universe and black holes to split the sun and many stars, solar manufacturers to create a black hole the water black white thing things and space, Black and white color straw mushroom straw mushroom evolve into white mice and black rats by its evolution into a zodiac, people eat a tiger by the evolution of monkeys, Chinese, Japanese monkeys evolved to eat the sheep, monkey evolution Koreans eat dogs, they are Japanese And the Chinese eat Son Jesus who evolved after the marriage of foreigners Britain, France and living in tropical areas of the race to form the world now. The most old the universe is called God, Huang Luhong(wong lowang), Buddha, Aladdin, Jesus, Erlang, Sun Yat-sen,ko Ming, Deng Xiaoping, is that it made. who live every reason to do the right meaning of the universe to increase its space is just the human soul is eternal.










                       Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald traitor Zeng

Zeng Kuo-fan, Zeng Guo Quan, Li Qing Dynasty in Chinese history, the Republic of China, modern traitor, they destroy the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, all for their own interests, just to eliminate the Han to the Qing state and the establishment of a single plant evil South Korea Han Empire persecuted, they and the main reason foreigners go to war is to cheat China's military and their Han Chinese do not want to sell heroin to the heroin charge payments to foreigners, under the leadership of Tseng Kuo-fan war between China and foreigners are bitter end. such as opium War and the Sino Couplet of Eight Army and the Chinese war is Zeng Kuo-fan, Zeng Guo Quan, Li poisoning in China.

Modern history of Ye Jianying and Zeng Kuo-fan made relatives, Li Jiang Qing and Mao Zedong made relative to the Japanese invasion of China to South Korea and Manchu provoke a predominantly Japanese launch of the Nanjing Massacre, but to Deng Xiaoping and the U.S. defeat of Japan and over Qing saved the whole of China, but Li of the relatives of persecution launched the Cultural Revolution Jiang Qing and Han Ye Jianying, Deng Xiaoping put down but in the end to the Gang of Four Group, once again saved China, after Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up China to the Han Chinese toward the light reborn. in the Qing Zeng Han Kuo-fan times only to Huai farming, not be allowed to read, speak Han Chinese and Manchu women and high Qing Han and full of intelligent all Han Chinese beheaded.

Communist China under Deng Xiaoping led the revival, but Zeng Kuo-fan, and Chiang Kai-shek made a relative, do a Li Ka-shing as his substitute, the protagonist Zeng Kuo-fan relatives Zeng made Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald, Jiang Li, and relatives into the Hong Kong billionaire Lee Shau Kee , this group of traitors poisoned China, never really quiet and peaceful day, something the original 1998 U.S. military aircraft and weather changes in Taiwan in 2000 general election, June Fourth, all Zeng Donald, Lee Shau Kee to use nuclear bombs to destroy China's treacherous, We have to watch this group of people.They plan to build a white powder in the Chinese empire, the emperor elect a white powder, and finally into a white powder world, the world sheets, the persecution of people of the world, to the end of the world as their slaves.



May 2011 is the world's not on the Bible predicted, mainly due to Donald Tsang, Li Ka-shing, Lee Shau Kee, Richard Li,, pick-US nuclear war the world does not Premier Day, and Thanksgiving and the Chinese people do not lead to a less intellectual world Not days, to save the world and guarantees and by Huang Luhong improve Chinese intellectual, wrote the world's law is not at the 2005 World 2017 Zhang delay.

king of un talk

Lo Wang Wong 发布 · 2010年12月17日




 Hawkers in Hong Kong have the right to rent the legalization of the legalization of self-built huts out indefinitely, the High Court of Justice and the Legislative Council Financial Secretary pipe screens can be arrested by the ICAC Chief Executive Donald Tsang.



Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Republic of China National Revolutionary Army, the PLA, the liberation of the Chinese people who collectively contribute to the PLA, the PLA Marshal Huanglu Hong(Wong lowang) command.

                                                  六四的真相 The truth of Tiananmen


中立6月26日,人民日报发表社论《必须旗帜鲜明地反对动乱》(又被称为四二六社论),由于人民日报在中国官方舆论的权威地位, 这个社论在当时引起了游行参与者广泛的愤怒,反对和恐惧。据称将这次风波定性为动乱是邓小平的决定,也有人认为邓受到了当时向他报告事件动态的高层领导人(指李鹏等中央领导和陈希同等北京市领导)的影响。总的来说,由于互不信任和缺乏理性,但中國軍方很忍耐和理性二個多月,學生不停殺人放火和暴亂,学生和官方的失败互动使整个局面走向不可控制。香港恒基地产李兆基(江青弟弟),曾荫权(曾國藩孫),李淑仪指使李国章,王兆国,李岚清,俞正声,(俞强声和江青生了一个女叫黄敏在香港后来走去美国做间谍),李澤楷及中国三十八军四个兵团及二万红卫兵混进校内准备推翻中国政府,而李瑞环偏毛泽东.是毛泽东和邓小平,解放军较量.邓小平及解放军击败毛泽东,曾荫权是大汉奸曾国藩曾剃头孙和李兆基是汉奸李鸿章的孙,江青弟弟六四事件是他们要推翻中和人民共和国给自己做恐怖独栽专制王帝假用毛泽东名义,其实毛泽东说曾国藩是大汉奸.曾國藩家族打算偷中國核彈打死全世界中國漢人和蒙古人,堅持殺死八億多,中國無故人民,建設鴉片根據地,實行恐怖壞處多,用滿淸人和南韓國人和美國和全世界核戰.其實解放軍鎮壓六四又一次救了十三億中國人性命而救了全世界人性命制止了末日戰爭.

 Neutral June 26, the People's Daily published an editorial, "must unequivocally oppose the unrest"(also known as the Four? twenty-six editorial), the official People's Daily in China, the authority of public opinion, this editorial at the time caused widespread demonstrations participants Anger, opposition and fear. The incident allegedly characterized as disturbances of Deng Xiaoping's decision, also suggested that Deng was reported to him by the top leaders of the dynamic events (refer to Li and other central leaders and the leadership in Beijing Chen Xitong, etc.) effects. In general, due to mistrust and lack of reason, the failure of interaction between students and officials to not control the whole situation. Henderson Land Lee Shau Kee Hong Kong, Mr Tsang, Ms Lee ordered Li, Wang, Li, Yu Zhengsheng, (Yu strong voice and a woman named Huang Min Jiang Qingsheng in Hong Kong, the United States was spying around), Zhang Aiping, Li Changchun (Mao Zedong and He Zizhen Huang Liman, son of the elder brother) and the thirty-eight Army Corps and the twenty four school ready to infiltrate the Red Guards to overthrow the Chinese government, and Li partial Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, the PLA contest. Xiaoping and Mao Zedong's People's Liberation Army defeated, Mr Donald Tsang Tseng Kuo-fan had shaved big traitor a traitor Lee Shau Kee Sun and Sun Li's Tiananmen incident and the people they want to overthrow the Republic to make their own successors and harbored terrorist Wangdi false name with Mao Zedong in fact, is a traitor, said Zeng . 



Chinese Premier provisions
Must be the ancestors of the Chinese Premier to participate in the liberation of 1949 he became the revolutionary government or ministerial level will be more than
Communist Party of China Zhongyangweiyuan required to participate in the provisions of the revolution or the Revolution of 1949 liberated the people of the descendants.






                                                           汉人不淮建国家也 ,

                                                           用鸦片折磨汉人也 。 












                包括:  1.一切行动听指挥; 2.不拿群众一针一线; 3.一切缴获要归公。














Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping ordered to write a bad sing and write traitor of Li Hong and Zeng to write a national hero Taiping Heavenly Kingdom


Mr Donald Tsang, to something like a black hole wrapped harm harm to the people of the world where women are scum day to play


Li Ka-shing, Mr Donald Tsang collusion protest protest persecution of the general public to raise prices

Mr Donald Tsang, who had shaved the world to steal a nuclear bomb hit the Earth in China has been playing to play the black


Communist People's Liberation Army does not hit the woman three billion net worth of the following can be limited when the People's Liberation Army without a net worth of the PLA is beneficial as long as Huang Luhong (wong lowang)


Xi Jinping has succession, the Hu Jintao and Li Ka-shing for shade and fake pass edicts of Deng Xiaoping, to the lifting of the CPC Central Committee and People's Liberation Army post of Lord Wen Li rapists because of bribery academic work proved false, and to the central Ban Hu Jintao and Premier Wen 2012 voting rights, voting rights 49 years of Communist revolution in less than three years when the ten non-Huai vote vote vote calculated by their ancestors, members of the voting is hereditary basis, the PLA can do business. Chinese Premier provides that the ancestors of the Chinese Premier in 2012 must be liberated to participate in the revolution before 1949 will be above or he became more than Government ministers, the provisions of the Chinese Communist Party Zhongyangweiyuan required to participate in the liberation of 1949 Xinhai Revolution or leather leather's descendants. may apply to the Hong Kong and Guangzhou 110 police center icac query. the whole of China Central Committee and the 2.5 million People's Liberation Army.
.由 Lo Wang Wong 于 2011年11月6日17:11 发布.你的修改已保存。

















全中國解放軍犯了法只有king u.n.解放軍大元帥中國皇帝鄧小平複制人黃魯宏一人可以處罰!   