// Abstract AVL Tree Generic C Package Test Suite. // This code is in the public domain. // Version: 1.5 Author: Walt Karas #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" // Mask of highest bit in an unsigned int. const unsigned HIGH_BIT = (~(((unsigned) (~ 0)) >> 1)); void bail(const char *note) { printf("%s\n", note); exit(1); } #define AVL_UNIQUE(X) X ## _x #define AVL_READ_ERRORS_HAPPEN #define AVL_READ_ERROR (0) // Handles are indexes into the "arr" array. If a handle has been // "accessed", it has its high bit set. (The handle has to have been // accessed in order to alter the node's values, or compare its key.) #define AVL_HANDLE unsigned #define AVL_KEY int #define AVL_SIZE unsigned // Node array and "shadow" node array. struct { signed char bf; int val; unsigned gt, lt; } arr[401], arr2[400]; #define AVL_BUILD_ITER_TYPE unsigned * #define AVL_MAX_DEPTH 33 #include "cavl_if.h" avl_x tree; typedef iter_x iter; // Verifies that a tree is a valid AVL Balanced Binary Search Tree. // Returns depth. Don't use on an empty tree. int verify_tree(unsigned subroot = tree.root & ~HIGH_BIT) { int l_depth, g_depth; unsigned h; if (arr[subroot].lt == ~0) l_depth = 0; else { h = arr[subroot].lt & ~HIGH_BIT; if (arr[subroot].val <= arr[h].val) { printf("not less: %u %d %d %d\n", subroot, arr[subroot].val, h, arr[h].val); bail("verify_tree"); } l_depth = verify_tree(h); } if (arr[subroot].gt == ~0) g_depth = 0; else { h = arr[subroot].gt & ~HIGH_BIT; if (arr[subroot].val >= arr[h].val) { printf("not greater: %u %d %d %d\n", subroot, arr[subroot].val, h, arr[h].val); bail("verify_tree"); } g_depth = verify_tree(h); } if (arr[subroot].bf != (g_depth - l_depth)) { printf("bad bf: n=%u bf=%d gd=%d ld=%d\n", subroot, arr[subroot].bf, g_depth, l_depth); bail("verify_tree"); } return((g_depth > l_depth ? g_depth : l_depth) + 1); } void check_empty(void) { if (tree.root != ~0) bail("not empty"); } void insert(unsigned h) { unsigned rh = insert_x(&tree, h | HIGH_BIT); if (rh == ~0) bail("insert null"); rh &= ~HIGH_BIT; if (arr[h].val != arr[rh].val) { printf("bad - %u %u\n", h, rh); bail("insert"); } } void remove(int k, bool should_be_null = false) { unsigned rh = remove_x(&tree, k); if (rh == ~0) { if (!should_be_null) { printf("null key=%d\n", k); bail("remove"); } } else { if (should_be_null) { printf("not null key=%d rh=%u\n", k, rh); bail("remove"); } rh &= ~HIGH_BIT; if (arr[rh].val != k) { printf("wrong key=%d rh=%u [rh].val=%d\n", k, rh, arr[rh].val); bail("remove"); } // Mark balance factor of node to indicate it's not in the tree. arr[rh].bf = 123; } } unsigned max_elems; // Prior to starting a test, mark all the nodes to be used in the test // with a bad balance factor. This makes it easy to tell which nodes // are in the tree and which aren't. void mark_bf(void) { unsigned i = max_elems; while (i) { i--; arr[i].bf = 123; } } void search_test(int key, avl_search_type st, unsigned rh) { if (search_x(&tree, key, st) != (rh | HIGH_BIT)) { printf("%d %x %u\n", key, (unsigned) st, rh); bail("search_test"); } iter it; start_iter_x(&tree, &it, key, st); if (get_iter_x(&it) != (rh | HIGH_BIT)) { printf("%d %x %x %x\n", key, (unsigned) st, rh, get_iter_x(&it)); bail("search_test - iter"); } if ((st == AVL_EQUAL) && (rh != ~0)) { unsigned h = get_iter_x(&it); iter it2 = it; incr_iter_x(&it); decr_iter_x(&it2); if (get_iter_x(&it) != search_x(&tree, key, AVL_GREATER)) { printf("%d %x %x %x\n", key, (unsigned) st, h, get_iter_x(&it)); bail("search_test - iter ++"); } if (get_iter_x(&it2) != search_x(&tree, key, AVL_LESS)) { printf("%d %x %x %x\n", key, (unsigned) st, h, get_iter_x(&it2)); bail("search_test - iter --"); } } return; } void search_test(unsigned h) { if (arr[h].bf == 123) { search_test(2 * h, AVL_EQUAL, ~0); // Test subst function. arr[400].val = 2 * h; if (subst_x(&tree, 400 | HIGH_BIT) != ~0) { printf("max_elems=%u h=%x\n", max_elems, h); bail("subst not there"); } } else { search_test(2 * h, AVL_EQUAL, h); search_test(2 * h, AVL_LESS_EQUAL, h); search_test(2 * h, AVL_GREATER_EQUAL, h); search_test(2 * h + 1, AVL_EQUAL, ~0); search_test(2 * h + 1, AVL_LESS, h); search_test(2 * h + 1, AVL_LESS_EQUAL, h); search_test(2 * h - 1, AVL_EQUAL, ~0); search_test(2 * h - 1, AVL_GREATER, h); search_test(2 * h - 1, AVL_GREATER_EQUAL, h); // Test subst function. arr[400].val = 2 * h - 1; if (subst_x(&tree, 400 | HIGH_BIT) != ~0) { printf("max_elems=%u h=%x\n", max_elems, h); bail("subst low"); } arr[400].val = 2 * h; if (subst_x(&tree, 400 | HIGH_BIT) != (h | HIGH_BIT)) { printf("max_elems=%u h=%x\n", max_elems, h); bail("subst in"); } verify_tree(); if (subst_x(&tree, h | HIGH_BIT) != (400 | HIGH_BIT)) { printf("max_elems=%u h=%x\n", max_elems, h); bail("subst out"); } arr[400].val = 2 * h + 1; if (subst_x(&tree, 400 | HIGH_BIT) != ~0) { printf("max_elems=%u h=%x\n", max_elems, h); bail("subst high"); } } } void search_all(void) { unsigned h = max_elems, min = ~0, max = ~0; while (h) { h--; search_test(h); if (arr[h].bf != 123) { if (max == ~0) max = h; min = h; } } h = search_least_x(&tree); if (h != (min | HIGH_BIT)) { printf("%x %x\n", h, min); bail("search_all least"); } h = search_greatest_x(&tree); if (h != (max | HIGH_BIT)) { printf("%x %x\n", h, max); bail("search_all greatest"); } iter it; init_iter_x(&it); if (get_iter_x(&it) != ~0) bail("search_all least - init iter"); // Test forward iteration through entire tree. start_iter_least_x(&tree, &it); if (get_iter_x(&it) != (min | HIGH_BIT)) { printf("%x %x\n", h, min); bail("search_all least - iter"); } while (get_iter_x(&it) != (max | HIGH_BIT)) { h = get_iter_x(&it); incr_iter_x(&it); if (get_iter_x(&it) != search_x(&tree, 2 * h, AVL_GREATER)) { printf("%x %x\n", h, get_iter_x(&it)); bail("search_all increment - iter"); } } incr_iter_x(&it); if (get_iter_x(&it) != ~0) bail("search_all increment - end"); // Test backward iteration through entire tree. start_iter_greatest_x(&tree, &it); if (get_iter_x(&it) != (max | HIGH_BIT)) { printf("%x %x\n", h, max); bail("search_all greatest - iter"); } while (get_iter_x(&it) != (min | HIGH_BIT)) { h = get_iter_x(&it); decr_iter_x(&it); if (get_iter_x(&it) != search_x(&tree, 2 * h, AVL_LESS)) { printf("%x %x\n", h, get_iter_x(&it)); bail("search_all increment - iter"); } } decr_iter_x(&it); if (get_iter_x(&it) != ~0) bail("search_all increment - end"); } void dump(unsigned subroot, unsigned depth) { if (arr[subroot].lt != ~0) dump(arr[subroot].lt, depth + 1); printf("%u(%u, %d) ", subroot, depth, arr[subroot].bf); if (arr[subroot].gt != ~0) dump(arr[subroot].gt, depth + 1); } void dump(void) { if (tree.root != ~0) dump(tree.root & ~HIGH_BIT, 0); putchar('\n'); } // Create a tree with the nodes whose handles go from 0 to max_elems - 1. // Insert step and remove step parameters must be relatively prime to // max_elems. void big_test(unsigned in_step, unsigned rm_step) { unsigned in = 0, rm = 0; printf("inserting\n"); do { insert(in); verify_tree(); in += in_step; in %= max_elems; } while (in != 0); search_all(); printf("removing\n"); for ( ; ; ) { remove(rm * 2); rm += rm_step; rm %= max_elems; if (rm == 0) break; verify_tree(); } check_empty(); } // Iterate through all the possible topologies of AVL trees with a // certain depth. The trees are created in the "shadow" node array, // then copied into the main node array. class possible_trees { private: // 1-base depth. unsigned depth_; // Subtree description structure. size is number of nodes in subtree. struct sub { unsigned root, size; }; sub t; // Create "first" subtree of a given depth with the node whose unsigned // is "start" as the node with the minimum key in the tree. balance // factors of nodes with children are all -1 in the first subtree. sub first(unsigned start, unsigned depth) { sub s; if (depth == 0) { s.size = 0; s.root = ~0; } else if (depth == 1) { arr2[start].bf = 0; arr2[start].lt = ~0; arr2[start].gt = ~0; s.size = 1; s.root = start; } else { s = first(start, depth - 1); start += s.size; arr2[start].bf = -1; arr2[start].lt = s.root; sub s2 = first(start + 1, depth - 2); arr2[start].gt = s2.root; s.root = start; s.size += s2.size + 1; } return(s); } // If there is no "next" subtree, returns a subtree description with // a size of zero. sub next(unsigned start, unsigned subroot, unsigned depth) { sub s; if (depth < 2) // For a subtree of depth 1 (1 node), the first topology is the // only topology, so no next. s.size = 0; else { // Get next greater subtree. s = next(subroot + 1, arr2[subroot].gt, depth - (arr2[subroot].bf == -1 ? 2 : 1)); if (s.size != 0) { arr2[subroot].gt = s.root; s.size += subroot - start + 1; s.root = subroot; } else { // No next greater subtree. Get next less subtree, and // start over with first greater subtree. int bf = arr2[subroot].bf; s = next(start, arr2[subroot].lt, depth - (bf == 1 ? 2 : 1)); if (s.size == 0) { // No next less subtree. if (bf == 1) // No next balance factor. return(s); // Go to next balance factor, then start iteration // all over with first less and first greater subtrees. bf++; s = first(start, depth - (bf == 1 ? 2 : 1)); } start += s.size; arr2[start].lt = s.root; s.root = start; sub s2 = first(s.root + 1, depth - (bf == -1 ? 2 : 1)); arr2[s.root].gt = s2.root; arr2[s.root].bf = bf; s.size += s2.size + 1; } } return(s); } void dump(unsigned subroot, unsigned depth) { if (arr2[subroot].lt != ~0) dump(arr2[subroot].lt, depth + 1); printf("%u(%u, %d) ", subroot, depth, arr2[subroot].bf); if (arr2[subroot].gt != ~0) dump(arr2[subroot].gt, depth + 1); } public: // Copy from shadow node array to main node array and set tree root. void place(void) { memcpy(arr, arr2, t.size * sizeof(arr[0])); tree.root = t.root | HIGH_BIT; } void first(unsigned d) { depth_ = d; t = first(0, depth_); } bool next(void) { if (t.size == 0) bail("possible_trees::next"); t = next(0, t.root, depth_); return(t.size > 0); } void dump(void) { dump(t.root, 0); putchar('\n'); } possible_trees(void) { t.size = 0; } }; possible_trees pt; // Tests for each tree in the iteration. void one_tree(void) { pt.place(); unsigned h = search_least_x(&tree); while (h != ~0) { arr[400].val = 2 * h - 1; insert(400); verify_tree(); pt.place(); arr[400].val = 2 * h + 1; insert(400); verify_tree(); pt.place(); remove(2 * h); verify_tree(); pt.place(); h = search_x(&tree, 2 * h, AVL_GREATER); } } void all_trees(unsigned depth) { pt.first(depth); do one_tree(); while (pt.next()); } // Array of handles in order by node key. unsigned h_arr[400]; // Test the build member function template by building tress with from 1 // to 400 nodes. void build_test(void) { unsigned i; build_x(&tree, h_arr, 0); check_empty(); for (i = 0; i < 400; i++) { h_arr[i] = i | HIGH_BIT; build_x(&tree, h_arr, i + 1); verify_tree(); } } int main() { unsigned i; init_x(&tree); for (i = 0; i < 400; i++) arr2[i].val = i * 2; memcpy(arr, arr2, sizeof(arr)); max_elems = 3; mark_bf(); printf("0 nodes\n"); check_empty(); search_all(); printf("1 node\n"); insert(1); insert(1); verify_tree(); search_all(); remove(2); remove(2, true); check_empty(); printf("2 nodes less slant\n"); insert(2); insert(2); insert(1); insert(1); verify_tree(); search_all(); remove(2); remove(2, true); insert(1); verify_tree(); remove(4); remove(4, true); verify_tree(); remove(2); check_empty(); printf("2 nodes greater slant\n"); insert(1); insert(1); insert(2); insert(2); verify_tree(); search_all(); remove(4); remove(4, true); insert(2); verify_tree(); remove(2); remove(2, true); verify_tree(); remove(4); check_empty(); max_elems = 400; printf("%u nodes\n", max_elems); mark_bf(); big_test(3, 7); big_test(13, 7); printf("all trees depth 3\n"); all_trees(3); printf("all trees depth 4\n"); all_trees(4); printf("all trees depth 5\n"); all_trees(5); printf("build test\n"); build_test(); printf("SUCCESS!\n"); return(0); } #define AVL_NULL (~0) static unsigned AVL_GET_LESS(unsigned h, bool access) { if (!(h & HIGH_BIT)) bail("get_less"); unsigned child = arr[h & ~HIGH_BIT].lt; if (access) child |= HIGH_BIT; return(child); } static void set_less(unsigned h, unsigned lh) { if (!(h & HIGH_BIT)) { printf("%x %x\n", h, lh); bail("set_less"); } if (lh != ~0) lh &= ~HIGH_BIT; arr[h & ~HIGH_BIT].lt = lh; } #define AVL_SET_LESS(H, LH) set_less((H), (LH)); static unsigned AVL_GET_GREATER(unsigned h, bool access) { if (!(h & HIGH_BIT)) bail("get_greater"); unsigned child = arr[h & ~HIGH_BIT].gt; if (access) child |= HIGH_BIT; return(child); } static void set_greater(unsigned h, unsigned gh) { if (!(h & HIGH_BIT)) bail("set_greater"); if (gh != ~0) gh &= ~HIGH_BIT; arr[h & ~HIGH_BIT].gt = gh; } #define AVL_SET_GREATER(H, LH) set_greater((H), (LH)); static int AVL_GET_BALANCE_FACTOR(unsigned h) { if (!(h & HIGH_BIT)) bail("get_balance_factor"); return(arr[h & ~HIGH_BIT].bf); } static void set_balance_factor(unsigned h, int bf) { if (!(h & HIGH_BIT)) bail("set_balance_factor"); arr[h & ~HIGH_BIT].bf = bf; } #define AVL_SET_BALANCE_FACTOR(H, BF) set_balance_factor((H), (BF)); static int AVL_COMPARE_KEY_NODE(int k, unsigned h) { if (!(h & HIGH_BIT)) bail("compare_key_node"); return(k - arr[h & ~HIGH_BIT].val); } static int AVL_COMPARE_NODE_NODE(unsigned h1, unsigned h2) { if (!(h1 & HIGH_BIT)) bail("compare_node_node - h1"); if (!(h2 & HIGH_BIT)) bail("compare_node_node - h2"); return(arr[h1 & ~HIGH_BIT].val - arr[h2 & ~HIGH_BIT].val); } #define AVL_BUILD_ITER_VAL(I) (*I) #define AVL_BUILD_ITER_INCR(I) (I)++; #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_INIT #define AVL_NO_TREE_USE #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_IS_EMPTY #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_INSERT #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_SEARCH #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_SEARCH_LEAST #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_SEARCH_GREATEST #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_REMOVE #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_BUILD #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_START_ITER #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_START_ITER_LEAST #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_START_ITER_GREATEST #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_GET_ITER #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_INCR_ITER #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_DECR_ITER #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_INIT_ITER #include "cavl_impl.h" #undef AVL_IMPL_MASK #define AVL_IMPL_MASK AVL_IMPL_SUBST #include "cavl_impl.h"