Welcome to the empire known as Elite Answers Wrestling. EAW is by far the best and longest running e-fed that originated from Yahoo Answers years ago & we have expanded beyond that. We are also arguably one of the longest running e-feds of our style with no stop periods within our nearly a decade run. We have provided the community with great exciting scripts, stellar graphics & videos, and an overall great atmosphere to be apart of.

We have innovated the game with our weekly episodic live shows hosted in our chatroom for everyone to be apart of in one huge experience, though they do get posted on their respective page right after for everyone to read at their own pace. Anyone interested in joining us is urged to sign up, choose an available pic base and talk to current Elitist & Vixens. You must be active & dedicated to progress your character, be a part of thrilling rivalries, captivating storylines & win championships as well other accomplishments. If you want something that has PROVEN to be consistent & thriving, EAW is your place. We don’t just talk a big game, we have proven it each year we have been open. Join the Land of Elite today!

EAW Instructions:

Signing up: You must decide a ring name for yourself, hometown, height & weight and a move set. Imagine yourself as a wrestler – what would you like to be called and what kind of moves would you wish to dish out on your opponents? Then you should move on to deciding an available pic base. Pic bases are used to represent you on any graphics on the site, to find an available pic base it is best to come to the chat and speak to either owners or mods so they can tell you what is and what is not available. Then, you should sign up for a forumotion account. Additionally, once you are signed up, it may take a few weeks to get you into some matches or a storyline. So please, don’t become discouraged if you don’t see yourself in matches or storylines right away. We didn’t forget about you, and you eventually will be used as long as you don’t give up.

Promos: This E-federation requires you to promo, you do not have to promo exactly like your picture base, only promo in whatever style of character you desire to portray here, it is best for people new to E-feds to check out other peoples promos on the page to see the basics.

The shows and activities: The shows, Voltage, Dynasty and Showdown are written by a collection of EAW writers in script format. The more consistent you are, the more chances you have of making it far in EAW, like pushes, title reigns and top storylines. It is best to pay attention to scripts and chat activity to know where you’re going and what matches you wrestle, along with knowing your status here. Remember you start from the bottom as a new member, If you’re not progressing as well as you want it is either because you’re opponents are doing more than you or you aren’t doing as much as it is required of you, which can only be fixed by your own dedication..

Conduct: It is best to consider common sense when it comes to conduct, try to keep personal attacks, complaining and overall bad attitude to the minimum. Respect those of a higher rank especially, mods and owners, because their ranks portray the work and length they’ve been here and you can bet they are here to help you but are not here to take any disrespect.



For any questions please head to our FAQ or Chat


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