Winnipeg Record Ice Skating Chain
wooohooo... 1438 people came out. More details to follow.

Welcome to the Website for the Feb 18 2008 attempt at setting a World Record For the Greatest number of people on ice in a chain at any one time.

(NO AGE REQUIREMENT..all you need to do is be able to skate and hold the person in front of you for 3 minutes)

Date: February 18
Registration starts at 12:30PM.
Registration ends at 2:10PM.
Line up starts at 2:00PM.
Finish lining up by 2:30PM.

You MUST be registered to be able to skate so that you are properly counted in.

You can download the registration form at (at left) and have it filled out ahead of time. But you MUST still visit the registration Tables. (outside at "The Port" portion of the Forks)

1.  Each participant must hold on to the person in front WITH BOTH HANDS for the duration of the
2 - All participants must be on ice skates and be familiar with the rudiments of ice
skating including how to stop.
3 An audible signal will start the event. The line must skate in a forward motion without loosing hold of the person in front,
for at least 3 minutes. The whole line must move uninterruptedly for at least 3 minutes.
4 - The event may take place in an ice rink or any other outdoor ice skating area with
sufficient room for the line of ice skaters to skate for 3 minutes.
5 - If any skaters stops, falls or loses hold of the next person the attempt is
invalidated and must be repeated. DO NOT LET GO..EVEN TO WAVE TO SOMEONE
6 - The number of participants must be counted using a reliable method. After registration, your registration form will be
returned to you. After the event is a success you MUST turn your registration in to one of the volunteers to be counted
towards the total number of people.
Proudly Sponsored By HOT103FM
Links of Note:
Record attempt Facebook site
Local Winnipeg Blog
Registration Form
See Mexico Attempt and watch how you are to skate
My Info:
Name: Dean Koshelanyk
Email: [email protected]
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