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Welcome to Wingz Avian Rescue


Mission Statement

Wingz Avian Rescue is a 501c3 rescue dedicated to the health and well being of the parrots in it's care. Our mission is to place each bird in our care with a loving family who will promise to love and care for their new family member as if it were a human child. We will work with each prospective family to be sure they are the perfect family for our bundle of feathers. Each bird will be vet checked before the family takes it home and must be vet checked at least once a year after that by the family vet. Each family will be fully educated on their new pet's background if we know it. Each family will be subject to a criminal and financial background to insure the best possible placement for a bird who may have come from an abusive situation that we as caretakers will not allow to happen again. In the case of a bird that has been injured or abused severely we are prepared to keep that bird in our care for as long as it lives with all the love and respect it deserves. No bird in our care will ever have to fear being struck, yelled at, confined for longer than 10 hours or be left hungry ever again. Each bird in our care has already been through enough to end up in our care and these birds are the lucky ones.


This area is reserved for news about upcoming events or policy changes. The banner below is about our upcoming fundraiser. If you would like to help out please call us during normal business hours. Thank you.

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