Welcome to WingsFanForevr's Home Page
Welcome to my web site.  I hope you enjoy all that I have assembled here for your viewing pleasure.  Some of it is still under construction, so please bear with me....
The picture above was taken at my school, before our Emmy's equivalent ceremony.  I presented the award for...  um...  something.  Yeah, it was greeeaaat.  Oh yeah, I have dredlocks in this picture too.  They are kinda hard to see, but they were sorta nappy anyway.  I'm workin on that...
Where to go from here:
Detroit Red Wings homepage
All of you out there who like techno and are in the Detroit area, check out this link....
Anyone out there interested in collecting sports cards, check out the Hobbies page..
Just so you all know, I am a very opinionated individual.  If you are offended by anything I have said here well, sorry.  It's not my fault your opinion is wrong...  Click here for my opinions.
The latest sports news from MeSPN:  Bud Selig, MLB's communist moron commissioner, denied the request of Red Sox pitcher Keith Foulke to wear a small American flag emblem on his jersey to show suppport for our troops - heaven forbid anyone show some patriotism... but yet Carlos Delgado, the Toronto Blue Jays anti-American Puerto Rican-born chump of a 1st baseman, refuses to stand for the National Anthem of God Bless America?  Deport him, he's a security risk... the Los Angeles Lakers ae close to signing Rudy Tomjanovich as their head coach, noting that he won two championships with Houston in 1993-94 and 1994-95.  That information is incorrect however - the only reason anyone but Chicago won those years is because of Michael Jordan's retirement:  sorry Rudy T, your wins will always be asterisked as the "years Jordan retired" (the first time)...  speaking of the Orlando Magic, GM John Weisbrod has been receiving death threats because of trading away Tracy McGrady, which is very understandable.  The Magic also traded away another player who became a superstar, mush like will happen to T-Mac (Shaquille O'neal, the Human Murmur).  Everyone knows how far down Orlando went in the standings upon O'Neal's departure, expect the same after McGrady's...  Kobe Bryant, O'Neal's former teammate, has been hailed as the next Jordan.  I find that hard to believe, because Kobe is in no way whatsoever like Jordan.  Jordan was a master; he created, led his team, played the game with his body and mind.  Kobe is an ego-driven little punk crybaby; he has not created anything, he has not done anything new or that we haven't seen before, he has simply brought back memories of what Jordan did.  Jordan invented, Kobe copied.  To fuel the fire that is Kobe's ego is a sin...

And THAT is your latest sports news...  Stay tuned for more updates....
Updated 7-8-04
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws