% -*- SLang -*-

% mailmode.sl
% This file was originally written by the following people:
%      Ulli "Framstag" Horlacher's <[email protected]>
%      Thomas Roessler <[email protected]>
%      ftp://ftp.mutt.org/pub/mutt/contrib/
% It was substantially modified by the following people:
%      Abraham vd Merwe <[email protected]>
%      Johann Botha <[email protected]>
%      http://oasis.frogfoot.net/index.php?feedme=jed
% 2001-03-21: Stripped down to a 'light' mode again..
% /Ulf

$1 = "MAIL";
!if (keymap_p ($1)) make_keymap ($1);

% Do we recognize mbox style "From " lines as headers?
variable mail_mode_have_mbox = 1;
variable mail_maybe_header = 1;

create_syntax_table ($1);

define_syntax ("([{",")]}",'(',$1);		% parentheses
define_syntax ("-0-9a-zA-Z_",'w',$1);		% words
define_syntax ("-+0-9",'0',$1); 		% numbers
define_syntax (",;:",',',$1);			% delimiters
define_syntax ("%-+/&*=<>|!~^",'+',$1); 	% operators

variable color_from = "preprocess";
variable color_to = "keyword1";
variable color_subject = "number";
variable color_header = "...";
variable color_url = "keyword";
variable color_email = "keyword";
variable color_signature = "error";
variable color_reply1 = "comment";
variable color_reply2 = "string";
variable color_smiley = "operator";
variable color_bold = "delimiter";
variable color_underline = "delimiter";
variable color_italic = "delimiter";

set_color ("preprocess","magenta","black");	% from
set_color ("keyword1","magenta","black");	% to
set_color ("number","magenta","black");		% subject
set_color ("...","magenta","black");		% headers
set_color ("keyword","red","black");		% url/email
set_color ("error","red","black");		% signature
set_color ("comment","cyan","black");		% quote1
set_color ("string","green","black");		% quote2
set_color ("operator","white","black");		% smiley
set_color ("delimiter","white","black");	% underline/bold/italic
set_color ("normal", "lightgray", "black");

% The highlighting copes with email addresses and url's
dfa_enable_highlight_cache ("mailmode.dfa",$1);

dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^To: .*",color_to,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^Cc: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^Bcc: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^Date: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^From: .*",color_from,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^Subject: .*",color_subject,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^(Reply-To|X-Uptime): .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^(Message-ID|User-Agent): .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^In-Reply-To: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^Organi[sz]ation: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^X-GPG-Public-Key: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^X-Operating-System: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^X-Edited-With-Muttmode: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^Newsgroups: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^Followup-To: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^Keywords: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^Summary: .*",color_header,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^References: .*",color_header,$1);

dfa_define_highlight_rule ("(http|ftp|file|https)://[^ \t\n>]+",color_url,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("[^ \t\n<]*@[^ \t\n>]+",color_email,$1);

dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^-- $",color_signature,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^> ?> ?> ?> ?> ?>.*",color_reply2,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^> ?> ?> ?> ?>.*",   color_reply1,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^> ?> ?> ?>.*",      color_reply2,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^> ?> ?>.*",         color_reply1,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^> ?>.*",            color_reply2,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^>.*",               color_reply1,$1);

dfa_define_highlight_rule ("[\\(\\)]+-?[:;P\\^]|[:;P\\^]-?[\\(\\)]+",color_smiley,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("_[a-zA-Z]+_",color_underline,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("\\*[a-zA-Z]+\\*",color_bold,$1);
dfa_define_highlight_rule ("/[a-zA-Z]+/",color_italic,$1);

dfa_build_highlight_table ($1);

% this is broken, but I wanted to move it to DFA anyway...
%() = define_keywords_n ($1,"CcTo",2,0);
%() = define_keywords_n ($1,"Bcc",3,0);
%() = define_keywords_n ($1,"DateFrom",4,0);
%() = define_keywords_n ($1,"Subject",7,0);
%() = define_keywords_n ($1,"Reply-ToX-Uptime",8,0);
%() = define_keywords_n ($1,"Message-IDUser-Agent",10,0);
%() = define_keywords_n ($1,"In-Reply-To",11,0);
%() = define_keywords_n ($1,"Organization",12,0);
%() = define_keywords_n ($1,"X-GPG-Public-Key",16,0);
%() = define_keywords_n ($1,"X-Operating-System",18,0);
%() = define_keywords_n ($1,"X-Edited-With-Muttmode",22,0);

define skip_header ()
   while (not (re_looking_at ("^[ \t]*$"))) !if (down_1 ()) break;

define top_view ()
   recenter (what_line ());

define bol_skip_tags (ntags)
   variable col = 0;
   variable n = 0;
   bol ();
   while (looking_at_char ('>') or looking_at_char (' ') or looking_at_char ('\t'))
      if (looking_at_char ('>'))
	 if (n == ntags) break;
	 col = what_column ();
      !if (right (1)) break;
   goto_column (col);
   if (looking_at_char ('>')) go_right_1 ();

define count_tags ()
   variable n = 0;
   push_spot ();
   bol ();
   while (looking_at_char ('>') or looking_at_char (' ') or looking_at_char ('\t'))
      if (looking_at_char ('>')) n++;
      !if (right (1)) break;
   pop_spot ();
   return (n);

define bol_skip_all_tags ()
   bol_skip_tags (count_tags ());

define maybe_signature ()
   variable a,b;
   push_spot ();
   bol_skip_all_tags ();
   skip_white ();
   !if (re_looking_at ("--[ \t]*$"))
      pop_spot ();
      return 0;
   right (2);
   skip_white ();
   eolp ();
   pop_spot ();

define dequote_buffer (ntags)
   variable n = count_tags ();
   push_spot ();
   bob ();
      bol ();
      push_mark ();
      bol_skip_tags (ntags);
      % uncomment the following line if you prefer the space
      if (looking_at_char (' ')) go_right_1 ();
      if (ntags < n) skip_white ();
      del_region ();
      !if (down_1 ()) break;
   pop_spot ();

define requote_buffer (ntags)
   variable i;
   push_spot ();
   bob ();
      bol ();
      for(i = 0; i < ntags; i++) insert("> ");
      !if (down_1 ()) break;
   pop_spot ();

define empty_quoted_line ()
   push_spot ();
   bol ();
   while (looking_at_char ('>') or looking_at_char (' ') or looking_at_char ('\t'))
      if (not (right (1))) break;
   skip_white ();
   eolp ();
   pop_spot ();

define mail_is_tag ()
   push_spot ();
   bol ();
   (mail_mode_have_mbox and bobp () and looking_at ("From ")) or (1 == re_looking_at ("^[A-Za-z][^: ]*:"));
   pop_spot ();

define mail_have_header ()
   push_spot ();
   bob ();
   mail_is_tag ();
   pop_spot ();

define mail_is_body ()
   !if (mail_maybe_header) return 1;
   !if (mail_have_header ()) return 1;
   push_spot ();
   re_bsearch ("^$");
   pop_spot ();

define mail_is_header_tag ()
   if (mail_is_body ()) return 0;
   return (mail_is_tag ());

define mail_parsep ()
   push_spot ();
   bol ();
   if (not (mail_is_body ()))
      (mail_is_header_tag () or (skip_white (),eolp ()));
      (maybe_signature () or (skip_white (),eolp ()) or empty_quoted_line ());
   pop_spot ();

define mail_backward_paragraph ()
   variable n;
   if (mail_parsep ()) return;
   n = count_tags ();
   while (not (mail_parsep ()) and (count_tags () == n))
      !if (up_1 ()) break;
   bol ();

define mail_forward_paragraph ()
   variable n;
   if (mail_parsep ()) return;
   n = count_tags ();
   while (not (mail_parsep ()) and (count_tags () == n))
      !if(down_1 ()) break;
   bol ();

define mail_begin_of_paragraph ()
   mail_backward_paragraph ();
   !if (bobp ()) go_down_1 ();

define mail_select_paragraph ()
   if (mail_parsep ())
      push_mark ();
   mail_begin_of_paragraph ();
   push_mark ();
   mail_forward_paragraph ();
   eol ();
   !if (eobp ()) go_up_1 ();
   eol ();

define dequote ()
   push_spot ();
   !if (markp ()) mail_select_paragraph ();
   narrow ();
   dequote_buffer (1);
   widen ();
   pop_spot ();

define requote ()
   push_spot ();
   !if (markp ()) mail_select_paragraph ();
   narrow ();
   requote_buffer (1);
   widen ();
   pop_spot ();

define reformat_header ()
   push_spot ();
   while (not (mail_is_header_tag ()))
      !if(up_1 ()) break;
   if (not (mail_is_header_tag ()))
      pop_spot ();
   bol ();
   while (not (looking_at (":"))) go_right_1 ();
   go_right_1 ();
   push_spot ();
   insert ("\n");
   bol_trim ();
   bol ();
   insert (" ");
   call ("format_paragraph");
   pop_spot ();
   del ();
   pop_spot ();

define reformat_quote ()
   variable n,o,l1,l2;
   n = count_tags ();
   o = mail_maybe_header;
   l1 = 0;
   l2 = 0;
   mail_maybe_header = 0;
   push_spot ();
   !if (markp ())
      push_spot ();
      mail_begin_of_paragraph ();
      l1 = what_line ();
      pop_spot ();
      l2 = what_line ();
      mail_select_paragraph ();
   narrow ();
   dequote_buffer (n);
   bob ();
   down (l2 - l1);
   WRAP -= 2*n;
   call ("format_paragraph");
   WRAP += 2*n;
   requote_buffer (n);
   widen ();
   mail_maybe_header = o;
   pop_spot ();

define mail_indent_calculate ()
   variable col = 0;
   push_spot_bol ();
   !if (re_bsearch ("[^ \t\n]"))
      pop_spot ();
      return col;
   bol_skip_white ();
   col = what_column () - 1;
   pop_spot ();
   return col;

define mail_indent_line ()
   variable col;
   push_spot ();
   col = mail_indent_calculate ();
   if (not (mail_is_body ()))
      if (mail_is_header_tag ())
	col = 0;
	 if (col == 0) col = 1;
   bol_trim ();
   whitespace (col);
   pop_spot ();

define mail_reformat ()
   if (mail_is_body ()) reformat_quote (); else reformat_header ();

define mail_mode ()
   no_mode ();
   set_mode ($1,1);
   use_keymap ($1);
   use_syntax_table ($1);
   local_setkey ("mail_reformat","\eq");
   local_setkey ("dequote","^c<");
   local_setkey ("requote","^c>");
   set_buffer_hook ("par_sep","mail_parsep");
   set_buffer_hook ("indent_hook","mail_indent_line");
   runhooks ("text_mode_hook");
   runhooks ("mail_mode_hook");
   skip_header ();

   top_view ();
%   save_buffers ();

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