Fruits of Malaysia country, my country, my country, my home...


banana Malaysia is one of the world's principal banana procedures, where over forty varieties have been identified. Varieties grown may be grouped into two categories; those eaten raw because of the fine flavour (e.g. pisang embun or Jamaican banana, pisang mas, pisang rastali) and those which are cooked before eating (e.g. pisang abu or ashy plaintain, pisang awak, pisang tanduk).


ciku Apprecited as a dessert fruit, the flesh is soft and pulpy when ripe, granulated, and yellowsih to pinkish brown in colour. Bud-grafted or marcotted trees begin to fruit about three to four years after planting.





The milk of the fruit of the multi-purpose coconut palm is popular and refreshing drink, which is enhanced by the soft white flesh scrapped off the inside of the shell; the flesh is also the source for coconut additives to a variety of dishes. The coconut fruits in all season.



guava The guava fruit is usually eaten fresh, particularly the recently introduced seedless variety. It can also be processed into juice, jam, nectar and canned fruit slices in syrup. It is estimated to contain two to five times the Vitamin C content of fresh orange juice.



mango The mango is popular as a dessert fruit when ripe but can be processed into mango juice and concentrate, jams, jellies, preserves and ice-cream.



papaya This popular fruit is non-sensonal, inexpensive and has high nutritive value in terms of Vitamin A and C. The plant generally starts to flower five months after being planted as a seedling and the first harvest occurs five months later.



rambutan This fruit, indigenous to Malaysia, is largely consumed fresh although there has been a steady increase in the production of rambutans canned in syrup (with or without pineapple). Vegetatively-propagated trees(budding and marcotting) may start bearing fruits when on or two years old. Fruiting occurs twice a year, the main season being between Jun and September.





Three varieties are grown in the country-Sarawak, the Mauritius and the Singapore-Spanish. The first two are grown for the fresh fruit market while the third is for canning.





Described as most popular, fascinating, lucrative and controversial fruit.

Water Melon

water-melon It is a non-seasonal fruit. Harvesting is possible about 100 days or more after sowing. It is popular as a thirst-quencher. The fruit is usually eaten raw. It seeds, dried and eaten separately, are known as kuaci.


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