Slideshow ... Geometric Development of
Tetrahedron composed of Right Triangles

Tetrahedron composed of Right Triangles extracted from Hip Roof
Tetrahedron composed of Right Triangles extracted from Compound Angle

Applications of the Tetrahedron composed of Right Triangles

Developed Tetrahedron modeling the Fundamental Hip Roof Angles
Developed Tetrahedron modeling a Typical Compound Angle
Typical Compound Angle Tetrahedron compared to the Hip Roof Tetrahedron
Tetrahedral Model of Typical Compound Angle extracted from the Stick and Developed
Commonly used Tetrahedra and Triangles defining a Hip or Valley Roof
More applications of Geometry and Developments of Hip and Valley Roof Angles
Cyclic Arrangements of Hip and Valley Roof Tetrahedron Angles and Formulae
Formulae derived from Tetrahedron modeling the Fundamental Hip Roof Angles
Formulae derived from Tetrahedron modeling a Typical Compound Angle
List of all currently known Hip and Valley Roof Framing and Joinery Angle Formulae derived from Tetrahedra

Joe Bartok