Below you will see our members who has had or still have State Records in there events. The ones marked in Blue is the member who still is the record holders and red is for the people that has had a record.
  Current Record Holders
Steven Stiltner-VA M-2 (State)

Tommy Williams- TN CS-1 (World)
Tommy Williams- TN CS-1 (State)
Tommy Williams- TN CR-1 (State)
Vic Guy- TN CS-2 (State)
Loyd Lowry- WV MR-4 (State)
Jamie Skeens- VA M-3 (State)
Blaine Smith- WV MR-3 (State)

* Former Record Holders*
Chad Harvey- WV X-2 (State)
Chad Harvey- WV X-1 (State)
Chad Harvey- WV M-6 (State)
Chris Gregory- TN PS-2 (State)
Christy Gregory-TN M1 (State)
Daniel Gregory-TN M-4 (State)

Robert Grieves-TN CS-1 (State)
Vic Guy- TN CR-3 (State)
Travis Cody- WV M-3 (State)
Travis Cody- WV Cs-3 (State)
Travis Cody- WV X1 (State)
Chad Harvey- WV M5 (State)
Tommy Williams- TN M-1
Tommy Williams- TN M-1 (State)
Loyd Lowry- WV XX (State)
Below is all from Meca Competition
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