Origin Birthday Genre
1991 Thrash metal

Juan BrujoVocals
Guero Sin FeBass

Former members, and other stuff:

We last heard for BRUJERIA two years ago when their first recording, Matando Gueros, exposed the northern part of the world to their reputation as heartless, murdering fiends, and to their disturbing style of music. Still considered legends in their native Mexico, stories continue to grow surrounding this unknown band of rebels and their twisted brand of justice.
As the time of their second album, Raza Odiada, draws near, BRUJERIA are once again at the helm of a worldwide attack on their enemies and they have been extremely busy during the past two years...
The band`s supposed involvement in the drug underworld has garnered them a lofty reputation among the drug world`s elite. BRUJERIA traveled to Colombia to mourn the death of drug magnate, Carlos Escobar, and found themselves welcomed by their South American brothers with open arms. It seems the Medellin Cartel members were quite familiar with BRUJERIA`s reputation and wanted to secure friendly relations with them. Brujo was sworn in as the new leader of the cartel, as cries of "Brujo es el nuevo patron" filled the streets of Medellin.
DEA agents in the United States are still continuing their search for members of BRUJERIA, and aftr these new developments in Colombia, they became the most wanted criminals in the department`s list. The search for them began years ago as large amounts of potent drugs found their way into the U.S., along with a trail of dead dealers. The DEA state that fifty percent of the drugs that enter this country come by way of BRUJERIA and their organization. Now, the FBI and the LAPD also want to talk to them...
Unknown sources have informed the LAPD that BRUJERIA may know something about the Simpson murders. It seems that members of BRUJERIA were offered the murder weapon in exchange for a small amount of drugs and are now selling it for $500,000. There are also pictures of the murder scene that the band supposedly have in their possession which they happily show when requested.
Authorities have tried to make a dent in BRUJERIA`s drug and immigrant smuggling business but the band have again stumped them. BRUJERIA have made new advances in drug smuggling technology. Through their undergound connections, the band have acquired their own submarines and are using them to smuggle contraband through to the U.S. The band has gotten mighty pissed due to the rising conts of immigrant and drug smuggling and are bypassing La Migra (immigration) altogether, going into business for themselves. The band have dedicated the song "La Migra" to their friends on the border, along with a promise to release an instructional video on how to start your own smuggling business.
Rumors are untrue the band were involved in the recent presidential assassinations in Mexico. It seems since they have been so vocal in their governmental resistance, word spread thar they were behind the killings. BRUJERIA really don`t care about these events, in fact the only thing they were mad about was that they lost two good customers.
The band`s desire to continue creating music stems from their longing for control and power. BRUJERIA`s second effort reeks of the struggles experienced by people and the band`s preferred method of dealing with anxieties - kill them off - literally. Raza Odiada is both an homage and warning to those the band admire as well as despise.
The title track reads as a simple admonition to their brothers south of the border, exposing California Governor, Pete "Pito" Wilson as a monster with racial and paranoid views on the Mexican race. This is band`s answer to the ontroversial Proposition 187, describing the painful assassination of this leader for his extreme prejudice in a way only they can.
"Hermanos Menendez" pays tribute to the two brothers who slayed their parents for their million dollar fortune. BRUJERIA admires them for wanting money bad enough to snuff out whoever stands in their way. Thsi clan lives by the motto, "nada los separa de el dinero", and they feel like Lyle and Erik would fit right in with their group. So if these guys ever escape, you`ll be the first to know what happened...
And for those looking to follow in BRUJERIA`s footsteps, there`s "Consejos Del Brujo" which offers advice from the leader himself on how to break into the lucrative world of drug dealing.
Another reason why BRUJERIA wanted to record their second project, Raza Odiada, is to help fund the uprisings in Chiapas, Mexico. Sources say Commandante Marco (who is pictured on the cover), hac recieved a supply of weapons from the band. Although BRUJERIA are considered a dangerous crew, the Zapatistas see them as modern day Robin Hood`s and welcome their help. BRUJERIA`s reason for helping the rebels is simple - many must be sacrificed for the good of the community.
Many have expressed puzzlement over Roadrunner`s continued support of BRUJERIA. Although no one at the label has actually seen the band face to face (label big guy Monte Conner) was once kidnapped by the band but he never did see their faces), an unidentified Roadrunner source stated that they have reached a mutual understanding with the band. To make a long story short, Roadrunner felt it was in their best interest to maintain a friendly relationship with BRUJERIA.
So, go ahead, dive in. But remember, keep your critiques to yourself - they know who you are...

1992 Machetazos!
1993 Matando Gueros
1995 Raza Odiada

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