Ganakalanidhi Dr. Vinjamuri Varadaraja Iyengar

Vinjamuri's inimitable talent did not stop with Music and music related aspects. He was a great conversationalist with unquenchable thirst for knowledge in various fields that included Politics, literature, genealogy, philosophy, religion and topography of people and places. Here is an example where Vinjamuri's nephew Madabhushi Chellayyachari (an year older than Vinjamuri) reminiscences the incident from 1932, in an article, "HUMOUR AND WIT",  written by him, which was published in the NEW SWATANTRA TIMES (- February 2003, page 27).

All the members of Vinjamuri's family, his father Vinjamuri Bhavanachariar, his mother Kanakavalli, his 5 brothers, 6 sisters and their spouses, were actively involved in politics - freedom fight for independent India. In 1932, Vinjamuri was only 16 years old but could not resist himself from being   patriotic. He seemed to have gathered students and other friends of his age and lead a procession of young congress volunteers, daily morning and evening for two months, singing the patriotic song "Maakoddu Tella dora Tanamu" (we don't want white man's rule) for which he was arrested on the charge of sedition. Here is narration by Madabhushi Chellayyachari: WIT AND HUMOUR


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