report zvv_spool no standard page heading. parameter spool_id like tsp01sys-rqident. data: w_info like tsp01sys, w_data like rspo_ds occurs 0 with header line, w_pages like rspo_index occurs 0 with header line, line_length type rststype-linelength. call function 'RSPO_ISELECT_TSP01' exporting rfcsystem = sy-sysid rqident = spool_id importing tsp01_elem = w_info exceptions error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif. call function 'RSPO_IRETURN_RAW_DATA' exporting rq = w_info tables line_buffer = w_data page_index = w_pages exceptions error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif. if w_info-rqdoctype = 'LIST'. call function 'RSPO_SPOOLDATA_WRITE_INIT'. loop at w_data. if w_data-precol = 'P' and w_data-data_line(1) = ' '. new-page. continue. endif. * compute line length if w_data-data_len is initial. line_length = strlen( w_data-data_line ) - 1. else. line_length = w_data-data_len - 1. endif. if line_length > 0. call function 'RSPO_SPOOLDATA_WRITE' exporting spool_data = w_data-data_line data_length = line_length exceptions data_too_short = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif. else. skip. " empty line endif. endloop. elseif w_info-rqdoctype = 'OTF'. endif.