report sample. tables: usr02. type-pools: sscr. select-options: usrbnam for usr02-bname no intervals, creator for usr02-aname no intervals. data: restrict type sscr_restrict, opt_list type sscr_opt_list, ass type sscr_ass. initialization. clear: opt_list. opt_list-name = 'EQAL'. opt_list-options-eq = 'X'. append opt_list to restrict-opt_list_tab. clear: ass. ass-kind = 'S'. ass-name = 'USRBNAM'. ass-sg_main = 'I'. ass-sg_addy = ' '. ass-op_main = 'EQAL'. ass-op_addy = 'EQAL'. append ass to restrict-ass_tab. call function 'SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT' exporting restriction = restrict exceptions too_late = 1 repeated = 2 selopt_without_options = 3 selopt_without_signs = 4 invalid_sign = 5 empty_option_list = 6 invalid_kind = 7 repeated_kind_a = 8 others = 9. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif. start-of-selection. select * from usr02 where bname in usrbnam and aname in creator. write: / usr02-bname, usr02-aname. endselect.