San Miguel Beer
corporate head

Red Horse Malt Liquor
Extra Strong Beer

A hefty, deeply hued lager with subdued hoppy aromatic undertones. Sweetish taste harmoniously blends with smooth bitterness and tinge of warming finish.

Red Horse was launched in May 1982 using 500 ml bottles with ceramic labels. In February 1985, RH Colt -- 250 ml bottles were introduced in the market. RH Stallion -- 330 ml bottles were included as one of its packaging variants in March 1993. In 1996, Red Horse gave birth to two new variants in the market RH 1000 ml bottle in February and RH 330 ml can in June.

The alcohol content of the product is 5.5% by weight. Calorific value of the beer is about 162 calories/330 ml.

Silver medal winner in the 1997 Monde Selection Beer Competition, held in Brussels, Belgium.


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©1998 San Miguel Brewing Group