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Web-Based Interdisciplinary Projects

Collaboration is an integral part of writing and communications processes; hence the pages on Writing and Composition and Online Collaboration

The Global Schoolhouse (GSH)

Sponsored by Microsoft and the Global SchoolNet Foundation, The Global Schoolhouse is an outstanding resource that provides the Projects Registry Database, "a comprehensive source for Internet-based classroom projects." Choose the Connected Classroom link to view current and past projects or to register your own. Use the Project Registry, searchable by keyword, title, subject, organization, grade level, and the month the project begins, to link to the project site of your choice. This site makes the sometimes overwhelming task of finding a customized online project manageable, efficient, and fun!

Same as above:
Global SchoolNet Foundation (GSN)

The Global SchoolNet Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by teachers, provides access to high-technology online projects and curricular support for educators. The Projects Registry allows you the convenience of viewing projects from many sponsors (GSH, I*EARN, NASA, Academy One, and others) by the month that they are available so that you can plan ahead. View the Project for March 1997, MayaQuest, and link to its web site to learn about a highly interactive and interdisciplinary upcoming project. Also, link to the Global SchoolNet Projects which require only one dedicated Internet Line or E-Mail access only such as "Scientists on Tap" or the "Mad Scientist Network." Or, travel the world with a Travel Buddies at Oz via the Teachernet link.

Retrieved 19 Feb 2004:

I*EARN, the International Education and Resource Network, "enables young people to undertake projects designed to make a meaningful contribution to the health and welfare of the planet and its people." It offers the educational community structured projects in social studies, science, mathematics, the arts, literature and interdisciplinary areas. Link to I*EARN Projects and explore interactive projects by subject area. Check out The Holocaust/Genocide Project , under Social Studies, which allows students to explore the historical, political, and human actions and responses in relation to the Holocaust, genocide, and current bias and hate crimes. I*EARN also sponsors Learning Circles by which telecollaborative partnerships among schools from around the world are established. Many of the projects and links are available in English and in Spanish.

Retrieved 19 Feb 2004:
The JASON Project

The JASON Project, founded by Dr. Robert D. Ballard after his discovery of the RMS Titanic and sponsored by The National Geographic Society, takes students on two-week "electronic field trips" broadcast in real-time via telecommunications. Link to Expedition and Journey to the Center of the Earth with this winter's JASON VIII project, through which teachers and students travel to Iceland and Yellowstone National Park with the JASON Expedition. Detailed curriculum guides are available which guide the teacher through the expedition with telecollaborative lessons. Use the Teachers' Guide for broadcast dates, curriculum tips, online connection information, and more! Perform a keyword or subject search of all JASON projects for a topic of your interest. The JASON Project also offers a Bulletin Board where news, project updates, and teacher and student discussion groups are posted.

Retrieved 19 Feb 2004:
NASA K-12 Internet Initiative: Quest

This comprehensive site, sponsored by NASA, brings authentic scientific and engineering experiments and pursuits "out of the box and ready to go to classrooms around the world." Use the Online Interactive Projects link to access NASA sponsored online interactive projects which features current projects, upcoming projects, archives, and lessons learned. Explore the Recent Projects Live from the Hubble Space Telescope and Online From Jupiter to gain insight on how interactive networks can be used as teaching tools via biographies, field journals, and classroom activities. Be sure to visit the interdisciplinary project Live from Antarctica 2, a project in collaboration with Passport to Knowledge, which began in early January and remains active until April 1997.

Subscription service, not free:
Adventure Online

Adventure Online, sponsored by Event Media, is an interactive project that will take your students on virtual journeys that connect to science and social studies curriculum. Past adventures include Running the Nile, Eco-Adventures on McKinley, and Project Central America. Explore the 1997 adventures which include the upcoming May 1997 International Greenland Expedition. On this journey, two Arctic sea persons, one American and one Greenlander, will travel the Arctic by dog team and kayak to make the first circumnavigation of the world's largest island, Greenland. Adventures offer daily lessons and classroom activities, photos, and templates for multi-media presentations, journal updates, and more! Link to Newsstands and Lessons and view the "Expedition News" archives or subscribe to receive a monthly review of expeditions, research projects, and adventures.

Archive for research completed in 1998, links to more current projects:
CoVis - Learning Through Collaborative Visualization

CoVis, the Learning Through Collaborative Visualization Project at Northwestern University, focuses on K-12 science education, "provides students with a range of collaboration and communication tools" and projects which include: desktop video conferencing, shared software environments for remote, real-time collaboration, scientific visualization software, a multimedia scientist's "notebook", and access to Internet resources. Choose the Geosciences WebServer link to access Activities, Resources, the Teacher Lounge, Student Lounge, CoVis Information, and Community News. Link to Activities to find a variety of science-based telecollaborative Internet projects.

Writing-Based Projects

Retrieved 19 Feb 2004:
International Book Fair

This project provides a global audience for book reviews by students for students. Students from regions all over the world have a forum to write and read peer book reviews. Visit the American Book Fair Page to read student book reviews, organized alphabetically by author's last name. Read the reviews on Avi's Nothing but the Truth, Crichton's Congo, and Lowry's The Giver, or choose a favorite title of your own.

Retrieved 19 Feb 2004:
Midlink Magazine

Midlink Magazine is an electronic magazine for middle school students, ages 10-15, to share their writing and participate in interactive writing projects. It is published in four seasonal issues, each with a new theme, and includes themed projects, art, and "The Write Spot" writing center where students can submit writings and find interactive stories written by schools from across the globe. Read the past October/November Issue which features Letters to R.L. Stine and the following projects: Haikus, Multimedia Author Portfolios, and the Character Counts role model series. Also view ongoing projects throughout multiple issues.

Retrieved 19 Feb 2004:
My Hero

My hero is an interactive writing project, produced by the Fund for Innovative TV, in which real life heroes are honored and written about by students across the online world. Students can make submissions about their heroes, whether they be family members, teachers, friends, current public figures, or historical figures. Submissions can include text, audio, and graphics. Visit the Teacher Hero section for a refreshing look at how educators are serving as true role models for our students.

The above information was forwarded over an office email list in 1998 with the following cover. I included it in my site before I became aware of issues regarding re-posting such information. Nevertheless I wish to retain the information contained in the posting, credit the original sender, and I have updated the information in 2004 (for what it's worth)

Dear REducators,

These websites describe the Formal Models of Project-Based Learning. There are formal telecollaborative projects available online to educators that are sponsored by educational networks and organizations committed to education and are very often represented by a Web Page.

Visit each site and explore the structure, pedagogical goals, curricular focus, interdisciplinary activities and time frames of past and present online projects. Significant links within each site are noted to indicate telecollaborative highlights. Sites are organized alphabetically by the broad categories.

---------------------- some credit ---------------------------

These materials were derived from information posted by Arun Kumar Tripathi with 'courtesy' to Mr.Steven Hofmann given in original posting

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For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page
contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.

Previously updated: February 19, 2004
Link Check Jan 10, 2007

Copyright 2007 by Vance Stevens
under Creative Commons License:

January 10, 2007

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