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The Changing F2F of CALL
a presentation by Vance Stevens

at the TESOL 2002 CALL-IS Academic Session: Theory Meets Practice in CALL
Event number #1952 at TESOL 2002: Language and the Human Spirit
, 14:30 GMT to 17:15 GMT, Wednesday April 10, 2002, 8:30-11:15 am in Salt Lake City at the Marriott Downtown Alta & Snowbird Rooms at the Annual TESOL Conference April 9-13, 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah -


Vance will relate his thinking on pedagogy of CALL with examples from three years of online teaching, which are based strongly if not purely on constructivist, task-based, communicative, collaborative, and student-centered principles and activities resulting in student autonomy, responsibility, and empowerment during the learning process; supported with web pages recording interactions illustrating points made.

The Changing Face2Face of CALL

I am giving a presentation later in which I imply serendipitous outcomes for practitioners accruing from their use of technology in language teaching, and in my context, CALL coordination and teacher training.

Two illustrations of serendipitous outcomes:

In this conversation, I mention a visit to Houston by Sue.

Sue is a Webhead. I guess I'd better preface this by telling you who Webheads are. There are two groups essentially:

Sue is a student Webhead. I'll introduce you. We'll click on her picture in the Webheads page.
LAN Hyperlink |

Sue got very interested in video cams. I'll show you how that happened:

First, Felix, one of our student Webheads, showed us how he could broadcast his video cam to the rest of us on Yahoo Messenger
LAN Hyperlink |

This snowballed into a bunch of student webheads going out and buying their own cameras; me first of course, and then Sue for example:
LAN Hyperlink |

What do we do with our Webcams?

In a practice session for a conference showing, we got a class in Turkey together with one from China. The class in Turkey took pictures of students at the computers while Vance was snapping the web cam view from his computer in the UAE:

Writing for Webheads have really taken off with Webcams ...

Teresa for example has recorded some of her experiences with Webheads

Here is my record of the visit: LAN Hyperlink |

Nutta's 2nd vs. 3rd Generation Distance Learning: where students start taking over from over-worked 2nd Generation teacher

If these ingredients can lead to language learning which can you do without?


In my own language learning, I have conducted an experiment. If you can have only two, take the first two. Is the last one necessary? In classes I've organized for myself lately, and in Webheads, we replace SYLLABUS with whatever students feel inclined to do. Language is under control of the learner, it's communicative, and it's supported or scaffolded by others in the ZPD.

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Last updated: April 10, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0

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