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Communities of practice online: Reflection through experience and experiment with the Webheads community of language learners and practitioners

Aiden Yeh, Arlyn Freed, Dafne Gonzalez, Buthaina Othman, and Rita Zeinstejer

How participation in a community of practice informs and influences the participants' personal teaching practices

Week 5: Mon Feb 17 to Sun Feb 23

The portal for Week 5 is here:

The schedule for chats this week is here:

As part of the bibliography:

Nunan, David. Language Teaching Methodology, Chapter 4, uploaded with permission to our files area:

Some of Dafne's post-workshop reflections on how the session went:

I especially liked the way we strategically organized our week 5 (how being in WIA has influenced our teaching practices) in a chat meeting:

On Monday, we answered the questions posed by a new member about our transition from f2f to online teachers

and some other members reacted to the questions too:

On Tuesday, We started a series of topic chats, where we answered some of the questions that Arlyn had asked, especially the first 3:

  1. Have you evidenced concrete results from CoP participation? What practical skills (if any) have been acquired?
  2. How has this skill acquisition effected your professional development? Your classroom instruction?
  3. Have these new skills resulted in changes in teaching philosophy as well as methodology? Explain.

We created special invitations and reminders for the chats. To go further, Aiden, Buthaina, and I created before-after webheads pages to illustrate what we have learned and how we are using it. Buth, addressed how her affiliation with WIA has changed her online work by presenting pre-wia lessons and post-wia lessons.

Regarding my own chat session, many people attended, and we had to do another session ( for a total of 4 and a half hours) to be able to complete all the information on the process of designing, delivering, evaluating the first online course I planned as a consequence of being in WIA.

We ended up the week with some action with students. Aiden invited Webheads to moderate a session with her students at Tapped In. This was a complete success. Many new and old members practiced their e- moderating skills with groups of 8-10 students. Then, Sus was invited to co-moderate a session with Buth's students. All the information of the week was summarized here:

As a consequence of attending and moderating so many chats during this week, and reflecting on them, I came up with a taxonomy of educational chats, which has been commented in the list, and I am working on an article about it.

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(C)opyright 2003 Vance Stevens

Last updated: February 21, 2003 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0

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