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Casting about on the Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0? | Podcasting | Webcasting -Wordbridges,Webcast Academy, and Skypecasting | Screencasting | Slidecasting | Mobile technologies | Digital Storytelling

In which Vance attempts to make sense of an overwhelming amount of information on nascent technologies with huge potential for education

What is Web 2.0? - Navigate to other topics on this page

Some useful Web 2.0 sites for teaching (starting a new page here, will set it up later)

Free Office tools

Interactive whiteboard

Podcasting - Navigate to other topics on this page

Graham Davies writes in July 2007: "The archives of this Flashmeeting videoconference on blogging, podcasting and digital video show you what language teachers in secondary education in the UK are doing in these areas. The conference was set up by Joe Dale:

What is podcasting and how do you do it?

Where can you host your podcasts? (for free, of course)

How to harvest this stuff


How can you find good podcasts?

What can you use to catch podcasts?

Someone asked for instructions on using Juice. There are instructions here entitled (sic) Hot to Subscribe to a Podcast Using Juice: and I wrote the following regarding version 2.2:

Gavin Dudeny provides similar instructions for iTunes,

Webcasting - Navigate to other topics on this page

Worldbridges: webcasters AND podcasters - Navigate to other topics on this page

On May 12, 2005 Worldbridges at started webcasting live to an audience of, well, zero to start out with. Their first listener was a guy named Konrad, and a month later they encountered Webheads, and their audience has been assured ever since. Not that Webheads deserve any credit for that; Webcaster Jeff Lebow and partner Dave Cormier (with Doug Symington and others) have been energetic in finding interesting people to pull into the Webcast mix with regular programs such as and In a field where others are content to podcast pre-recorded programs, Jeff and Dave have chosen to record on the fly by going live through Skype and other telephony links with spontaneous call-in conversation partners who have included Stephen Downes, Will Richardson, George Siemmens, and many other ESL, ed tech, and Web 2.0 luminaries. This approach has been somewhat unique, resulting in numerous informative conversations which are put into the RSS feed-stream and made available for pod-catching. Unfortunately, Jeff's site was hacked in early 2006 along with several other servers containing Tibet-related content (from Jeff's earlier ventures) and much of the early material was, if not lost, off the air for a long time, though most has been recovered and is rapidly being augmented with more current work.

Worldbridges featured in this On the Internet article here: Worldbridges: The Potential of Live, Interactive Webcasting. TESL-EJ, Volume 10, Number 1:

Webcasting Academy - Navigate to other topics on this page

In around April 2006 Jeff started a Webcast Academy project which attempts to train others (for free) how to Webcast (presumably also for free) in order to create a larger base of people who, as Dave puts it, will make mistakes that Jeff and Dave can learn from instead of the other way around.

How-to's abound on the Webcast Academy site.

In January 2007, Vance tackled the Webcast Academy as, of all things, co-moderator of Actually I was there for comic relief, and you can track my exploits at this associated page at this site: Tackling the Webcast Academy. This venture resulted in a presentation at the 2007 TESOL conference in Seattle: at which I played a recording of my first successful stream

Skypecasting - Navigate to other topics on this page

Skypecasting operates similarly to a webcast and is much easier to manage. All you need to be able to do is record a skype call (info on that at ). Then just go to and you can have up to 100 people pariticipating and as the moderator, you have the ability to mute or even eject participants in the Skypecast.

Graham Stanley has started a program of regular Skypecasting for non-native speakers of English on the Worldbridges network: Called EFLBridges, the program started with an Elgg: and more recently uses the Drupal site at The program broadcasts weekly. Visit the Drupal portal or see my Online-Events page for more information.

Another option for Skypecasting, allowing up to 500 participants (the mind boggles) is Vapps: Venny and I tested it in late 2006. With this one, someone sets up the room and gets a +9900 number, and participants can Skype In using the dial feature. It's a free Skype call.

Read an article entitled: Skype as a language-learning tool by Prerna Rao, - Dateline Jan 29, 2007

Screencasting - Navigate to other topics on this page

Screensharing - Navigate to other topics on this page

There are a number of tools that allow mutli-users to share one another's desktops, and in some cases text chat as well. Festoon was one though I believe it is no longer available.

Slidecasting - Navigate to other topics on this page

Mobile technologies - Navigate to other topics on this page

Mobile telephones

As of Nov 2007, this is definitive: K-12 Online Conference 2007 - “Cell Phones as Classroom Learning Tools” By Liz Kolb Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Blog: Description This presentation focuses on ways to connect students’ favorite digital toy with classroom learning. Cell phones have the capability to become the “Swiss army knife” for student research and organization. First, we explore using cell phones as data collection tools: audio recorders, digital cameras, and digital camcorders. Additionally, we consider how classroom projects can be developed for cell phones: creating ring tones, text messaging, mobile WebPages, and mobile surveys. Finally, we contemplate the future features of cell phones and how those features play a role in learning.

A highly informative thread on Learning Times (click Join if not a member; recommended even if it smacks against Stephen Downes's fulminations against gatekeeping)

Book Review-mLearning: Mobile Learning and Performance in the Palm of your Hand In this book review Dr. Michael Thomas provides a detailed summary of the latest tools, concepts, limitations and trends in mLearning proffered in David Metcalf’s mLearning: Mobile Learning and Performance in the Palm of your Hand. From: The Knowledge Tree: an e-Journal of Learning Innovation, the journal of the 2005-2006 Australian Flexible Learning Framework


Resources to be placed here from my talks at:

Digital Storytelling
Put 'em all together, and what have you got?

Alan Levine: 50 Web 2.0 Ways To Tell a Story

Assessing digital storytelling, how it fits in the curriculum: “Initiating and Sustaining Conversations: Assessment and Evaluation in the Age of Networked Learning” By Konrad Glogowski. Description This presentation aims to address some of the challenges associated with assessment and evaluation in Web 2.0 classrooms. Specifically, it will address how to develop strategies and tools that engage students in the assessment and evaluation process, and help them stay in control of their learning and their progress. Consequently, a strong emphasis will be placed on developing assessment and evaluation procedures and habits that not only complement but also foster the interactive and learner-centric environments afforded by the interactive tools of the read/write web. The presenter will share strategies to assess and evaluate student work on blogs, wikis, and discussion forums.

NOT webcasting, but F.U.N. !!...

You can put your videos up at For example:

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contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.

Last updated: December 8, 2007 12:30 GMT

Copyright 2007 by Vance Stevens
under Creative Commons License:

January 17, 2007

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