
"Dad... Just give it up. Buy a new refridgerator. You have the money." I sid, frustrated as our fathers continued to toy around with our stupid fridge.

"NO I bought this ONE MONTH AGO! I REFUSE to pay for them to fix it! It's a fucking lemon I tell you." Benji yelled, practically stabbing the motor with a wrench.

"DAD. IT DOESN'T MATTER! Just suck it up and give them your money!" Tom threw his arms in the air, before sitting back on the tool shelf beside me.

"IT'S A MATTER OF DIGNITY AND PRIDE! I am NOT a fucking rockstar I can FIX MY OWN REFRIDGERATOR I DO NOT NEED SOME HALF ASSED STORES HELP!" Benji yelled again, punching the motor.

"Benj maybe they're right... It's a lost cause. Just tell them it's broke and get a refund." Joel said, kneeling beside him.

"Fine. Stupid fucker." Benji spat, throwing the wrench at the motor, watching it slip down into a random hole. The motor began emitting some.. Weird clicking noise.

"..Shit.." Joel said.

Click Click Click

"That can't be good" Benji said before the entire unit exploded. Smoke filled the room instantly, practically blinding me.

"Holy crap." Tom jumped up, fanning the air in an effort to see them. It slowly discipated until we could see two black-clothed lumps on the floor.

"DAD! Hey dad!" I said.

"Guh." One of them replied.

"Are you ok?" I asked, rolling him onto his back. "Whoa... Tom..." I said stepping back as our.. 19 year old father came too.

"Whoa... It's little benji!!!... Joel..... No it's Benji right?"

"No. I'm benji" the other one said, standing up.

"Oh.. Uh. Sorry." Jake laughed.

"What happened?" Joel asked before coughing and standing up with my help, "We were lookin in the fridge and then we suddenly..."

Joel looked around confusedly, before saying, "Where ARE we?"

"Um.. in the year 2018?" Tommy replied slowly, "Remember us?"

"Yeah... Tommy and Jake... our.. sons... what year is this again?" Benji asked.

"2018," I replied.

"Ho-ly shit," Benji muttered, looking around the garage, "How'd we get here?"

"You um... your older selves, were fixing the fridge and it exploded, then we found you here," I explained.

"Woah... we're in the FUTURE?" Joel gasped, "Meaning that... we can see what our lives are like in the future?"

"Basically," Tommy nodded, smiling at me, "This could be fun."

"Fun as in...?" Benji asked skeptically.

"Just fun," Tommy grinned, "C'mon, we need to clean you guys up."

I looked them over and nodded, noticing that the explosion caused them to get lightly covered in some black oil-like stuff.

We led them upstairs, and their eyes widened as they looked around. "Holy fuck.... this is our house," Joel said in amzement, "Only it's..."

"Fucking HUGE!" Benji finished for him, looking around the living room in awe, "Goddamn..."

"And LOOK AT THE FUCKIN TV!" Joel screamed, it was a custom Sony 70 inch Surround sound with a ful entertainment system.

"Sweet Jesus.." Benji muttered, playing with a lamp.

"yeah it's nice." I said, unable to wait when they saw the porche.

"What about Cashdogg?" Benji inevitably asked.

"Uhh... he's a little dead..." Tom said and Benjis eyes already started to water.

"Oh." He said sadly.

"You had him creamated. Hes on the mantel in the.. other livingroom." I said.

"Oh.." He said again.

"WHOAAAAAAAA." Joel said from the kitchen. Benji followed him and litterally screamed.

"OH MY GOD look at all this food." he said, rummaging through a cabinet.

"Yeah you two need to bathe before you get black stuff all over..." I said, pulling them from the room. The continued to point and gawk until we got to the bathroom.

"OH MY GOD IT'S SO HUGE. Oh my god..." Benji said, looking at the Jacuzzi tub.

"Yeah now you two just... bathe. Please." I said closing the door.

"I think they are going into shock." Tom said.

"Yeah. Well you gotta consider how poor they were. And then they open the fridge and they're millionares in he year 2018."

"I wonder how our dads are holding up in 1999.."

"SHIT i didn't think of that. Poor GC. We'll be fucking up their gigs and everything..." He said.

"Oh well. We can get rid of young Benji and Joel i one or two days but for now I say we just live it up before we have to send them back.


"How fucking cool is this?!" Joel grinned as we took our clothes off slowly, "I had no idea we'd be so... rich!"

I grinned and nodded. "Yeah... this is amazing... I almost don't wanna go home," I smiled, "I like it here now."

"Yeah," Joel nodded, "But if we DON'T go back eventually, we'll end up not getting signed and all. Then we'll have nothing forever."

"Good point," I nodded, "Well, let's at least get to enjoy our couple days here."

"Yeah," Joel grinned, starting the jacuzzi up, "Oh man... this is so nice..."

I grinned and nodded, climbing into the bath with him. "Oh god," I grinned as I sank into the warm water, the relaxing bubble jets on, "This is so... god."

Joel nodded with a smile, climbing in beside me. "Man this is nice," he sighed, "But I stink. I need to wash before getting too comfy in here."

"Yeah," I agreed, "You DO stink."

"Hahaha," Joel laughed, "You don't smell like roses yourself Benj."

"Ah well," I shrugged, picking up the shampoo bottle, "Lemme wash your hair?"

Joel nodded, crawling between my legs as I squirted some shampoo into my hand before beginning to wash his hair.

Joel sighed contently and closed his eyes as I rinsed his hair out for him. "Your turn my smelly brother," he giggled, switching places with me.

Joel gave me the infamous scalp massage, perhaps it feeling a little TOO good. Finally he rinsed my hair and settled across from me, as the tub was bg enugh fro 2 to fit comfortably.

"You're too far away." I smiled.

"I know. What ever happened to normal tubs?" He said, turning around and sitting between my legs, facing away from me.

"This is so awesome." I grinned.

"Didn't they say we had a daughter too?" He asked.

"Oh yeah they did." I sighed, "Well I don't care were ninteen and were gonna live like 19 year olds until we go home."

"Good thinking bro." He looked over his shoulder at me. "How do you think our 39 year old selves are doing?"

"They're probably ripping their hair out." he laughed " Assuming they still have hair." He added thoughfuly.

"I'm honestly frightened of Myself." I admitted.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"My older self. I turn into one scary mother fucker..."

"I don't think you look scary..." He chose his words carefully, "Just a little... off."

"All that eyeliner and shit." I sighed.

"I though it looked good..." He shrugged.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. You always look good." He said, turning around completely to face me, running his lips along my neck. "Especially when you're all wet..."

"Are you hitting on me Joel?" I teased, rubbing my head along his opening, "'Cause you I can always tease you back."

"Oh yes, I know," Joel smiled at me, "I wonder what Billy and Paul look like now."

"Probably old," I giggled, trying to imagine what they'd look like now, "I bet Billy's more feminine and Paul's just... Paul. We should go pay them a visit."

"Hey yeah!" Joel grinned, totally forgetting about getting it on, "Let's go do that!"

I laughed, and climbed up out of the tub with him, turing it off and wrapping a towel around my waist. "Let's go raid our elder's closet," I grinned at Joel.

He grinned and nodded, following me into the bedroom. "Holy shit," I gasped, "That it just a mother fucking huge ass bed!"

"Damn..." Joel breathed, looking around, "This is insane... and oh man... lookit the closet... there's so many clothes!"

"Made?" I asked, looking through all the shirts, which consisted of mainly ones with 'Made' on them or ones that had bands on them.

"Didn't the kids say that it was our OWN clothing line?" Joel asked, "Oh man. This is so awesome."

I laughed an watched as he pulled on a pair of black jeans and a black shirt with MADE written on it. "Damn," I giggled as I pulled my pants up, "These are too big! I'm gonna make sure I watch what I eat so I don't end up that big!"

Joel snickered and tossed me a belt. "Here," he grinned, "No more problem. C'mon, let's get Tommy and Jake to take us to see Billy and Paul."

I nodded and followed him downstairs. "Ah you're clean!" Jake grinned at us.

"Yep," I nodded, "Can you take us to see Billy and Paul?"

"Sure," Tomy grinned, "This should be interesting."

"PAUL!!!! PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLL!" Tommy screamed, bounding into Pauls house. Which was massive and filled with white and silver antiques.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?" Pauls panicked voice rang through the house.

"Nothing we just came to visit." Jake said, litterally skipping into the kitchen.

"Great. Are Benji and Joel here?" He asked, and I turned the corner towards the kitched to find him staring intently at the TV.

"Yeah. They're right here."

"Oh hey." Paul said, turning off the TV and getting up. "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD." He sputtered when he caught sight of us.

"THEY CAME FROM THE PAST! WOOOOOO!" Jake yelled, and Paul thudded to the floor.

"Oh my god hes dead..." joel gasped.

"No he does that all the time. Once we broke a glass and he cried all day long." Tom shrugged, walking over to him. He didn't look as bad as I thought he would. He was no fatter or skinnier than he was in 1999. His hair was black though. He usually either wore it brown or blonde. He still was wearing a Pixies shirt, and just a pair of black 3/4 shorts. He had 7 times the tattoos though, and glasses. And of course he looked older. Not bad but certainly older.

"Paul stop being stupid Get up." Tom pushed him around with his foot. Paul sat up groggily.

"Why are they not normal aged?" He asked.

"Its a LOOOOOONG story but we've gone back in time before and now they're here and our dads are in 1999." Jake said.

"...Is this some kind of odd joke?" Paul asked.

"No." I muttered.

"Well it really looks like them..." Paul pondered, "But that's fucking ridiculous. Coming from the past. HA."

"Paul sucks," Jake giggled, "Maybe Billy will believe us... or he'll just have a seizure."

"Yeah... is it me, or is Paul like some over-crazed rich guy now?" I asked.

"That about sums it up," Joel nodded.

"Thought so."

"Well....... where's Billy live now?" Joel asked.

"Same place he used to live," Tommy replied, "Cept he lives by himself."

My eyes widened as we came to a huge looking mansion. "He lives HERE?" I gasped.

"Yep," Jake nodded, "We can just go in."

I followed behind them as they led us into the huge house that was Billy's.

"Damn..." Joel breathed, "It's HUGE."

"Yeah..." I nodded, looking around.

"BILL-AY!!!!!!!!!!" Jake yelled, running through the house searching for him, "Uncle Billy...... are you home?!"

"Damnit he's prolly out somewhere," Jake said, "Unless..." he trailed off, running upstairs.

"HEY BILLY!" we could hear him yell seconds later.

He came downstairs seconds later with Jake. He didn't look too different... he had lots of tattoos now and... PINK eyeshadow? Oh man.

"Are your Dad's here, or am I on babysitting duty?" Billy asked.

"They're here," Tommy smiled, "And we DO NOT need a babysitter."

"Uh..." Billy stopped dead on the stairs and stared at us.

"Hey Lil Billy." I smiled.

"I'm losing my mind." Billy gasped, "Jake i'm losing my mind..."

"No you're not losing your mind." Jake sighed, pating poor billy on the head who looked ready to drop dead.

"W...Why are they like. seventeen?" He asked.

"Ninteen, fool." Joel snorted.

"Uh.. Uh... Sorry." Bill stuttered. "Why are they ninteen?"

"Ok remember that dream I told you about where we went back in time?" Tom asked him.

"Uh. Yeah."

"I lied it wasn't a dream."

"What? No thats not possible." Billy sat down on the stairs.

"No it is." I nodded. "I still can't figure out how though..."

"Wow. Just. Wow." Billy stood again and pinched my face. "He feels real."

"I AM REAL you cock..." I yelled, rubbing my cheek.

"He sounds real." He commented, before sniffing me. "And smells real too."

"Thank you I AM REAL." I screamed.

"Calm down benj." Joel told me.

"Wow. This is so awesome..." Billy finally smiled.

"Yeah but man... Whats with the eyeshadow?" Joel asked him.

"What? Do I not look sexy?" Billy grinned.

"Ah yeah... very orgasmic," I chuckled, "So how come you don't have anyone?"

Billy just shrugged. "I'm happy being single," he shrugged, "Man... this is so weird..."

"Yeah... we should get home now," Jake said, "We don't wanna be out too long before someone sees them."

*Back in 1999*

I groaned as I opened my eyes slowly, still unsure of how I ended up on the kitchen floor. I looked beside me and spotted Joel, shaking him awake.

"Wake up Joel," I said, shaking him before looking around, "Holy fucking shit..."

"Ugh... what it is?" Joel mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before looking around, "Oh man... what happened? Why's the house look like it's from 20 years ago?"

"Because it is?" I guessed, "I think we went back in time through the fridge, as insane as that sounds."

"Then where's the younger us?" Joel asked, looking around the house, "Did they go to the future?"

"The must have," I breathed, going outside. I heard barking and my eyes nearly dropped from my skull as I spotted Cash in the fenced backyard.

"Oh my god," I breathed, my legs walking me over without me knowing it, "It's Cash.. alive."

I reached over the fence and let him sniff my hand before he barked happily and jumped up, his front paws on the fence as he licked my face. I laughed and pet his fur gently, still amazed at it all.

I litterally kissed the dog back. I sad missed him so much I wanted to cry.

"Awe cash..." Joel smiled patting him.

"When we go back he's gonna be dead again." I sniffled.

"I know... Stop it you're making me sad..." Joel repremanded me, hugging cashdogg.

"It just feels so weird because hes no longer.. Existent. He's ashes but here I am, petting him

in the past."

"I know it feels VERY weird."

"I bet mom is still alive too..." I said.

"No she DEFINATELY is remember? But we can't see her..." Joel's face dropped.

"This isn't as fun as I thought it would be." I sighed.

"Yeah but we get to see cash again and see our... Old carpet." Joel laughed.

"Ooh Yeah. I definately missed that." I giggled.

"It's so fuckin ugly." He shook his head.

"I know everything about this place was."

"We sound so stuck up."

"We ARE stuck up." I assured him

"Oh well." We stood in silence with the dog fo a few minutes.

"Wanna go home yet?" He asked me.

"Yeaaah." I nodded.

"How do we do it?"

"I have no idea."

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