Welcome to the internet code of Ethics for UofT students! Check it out!!

Don't do any readings.

Why would you need to?

Wikipedia is peer reviewed!

I'm your peer, I review it

Ask all of your questions immediately.

Don't think, ask!

There are no stupid questions.

Is it on the syllabus? You didn't read it? Neither did I!

Plagarism is the only way.

If you don't do the readings, just copy and paste from wikipedia. References? Not cool, bro.

Your Prof is your best bud.

Profs love chatspeak. 4real.

Every night is a party / Coffee is your only friend.

Exam tomorrow? JAGER SHOTS ALL DAY EVERY DAY! 3am, night before the exam, haven't studied? More coffee.

Talk during lectures.

The people around you really want to hear about last night. Really.

Click the icon for your browser and follow the instructions inside!

Internet Explorer
Google Chrome