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1980’s UK All-nighter Soulful Dancers  

    "Un Raggio di Soul" is a superb and fantastic site : I give it all the stars of the sky ! ( Echoes)


Un articolo in tema 80s soul di Simon Murray, Londinese, che ha iniziato ad appassionarsi di black music alla fine degli anni 70 e che, all'inizio degli anni 80 - dopo aver conosciuto a Londra  Keb Darge and Dick Coombes - ha preso a frequentare regolarmente gli all-nighters northern soul in tutto il Regno Unito.

Nel 1982 Simon decide di dedicarsi unicamente al modern soul, e pertanto vende la sua macchina e la piccola collezione di dischi 60s con l'intenzione di racimolare in questo modo i soldi necessari da spendere per l'acquisto di nuovi dischi ( Yeah, I decided in 1982 to sell my 60’s records and the car I had, to raise money to go to "Soul Bowl" and buy Modern Soul ! ).

In breve Simon è diventato un DJ conosciuto, suonando in gran parte dei locali modern soul di Londra e del Kent. Insieme a Ray Phillips è stato a lungo resident alla serate settimanali del Lunedì "Collectors Corner" al Royal Oak. E' stato inoltre ospite a Burnley, Peteborough, Bedford nonchè a quello che era il più grande all-nighter degli anni Ottanta : quello al Morcambe Pier.

Da poco gestisce il sito , continuando, nel frattempo, a collezionare dischi.

If you speak to someone in the street about Northern Soul you would generally get the reply :“Oh yeah mate I know, it's sixties soul and stuff like that pop group Wigan’s Chosen Few “.

 Well, that’s the well documented image of All-nighter music in the UK, however anyone who discovered the All-nighter scene at the beginning of the eighties would know a very different story .

The seven  eighties records I review here were all played at All-nighters. Modern soul music - yes - but certainly a big part of Northern Soul !

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Charles Johnson - Never Had A Love So Good  ( Alston   1980 )

A "b-side" dancer from Florida that was played (believe it or not) at Wigan Casino.

This was the type of sound that really turned me on to real Modern Soul. A very smooth up-tempo dancer with the Charles seemingly holding back on his vocals until the last 30 seconds, where the power and emotion of the guy just explodes. A milestone record that all modern soul collections should have.

 First  played by Soul Sam almost as a new release (D.R.)


Willie Johnson -  What I’m going to do ( Savannah International 1982 )

A southern soul mid to up-tempo release from 1982 that came to my attention late 1983 via John Anderson of Soul Bowl  (the main man behind Independent soul imports).

Willie is a powerhouse throughout and is complimented well by female backing singers. The production sounds more 70’s than 80’s. A classic dancer that deserves to be played again.


Glenda McLeod - No Stranger To Love ( HGEI   1983 )

It’s hard to believe that this record was huge at Stafford and 100 Club all-nighters, but it’s true.

Stuart Cosgrove, of UK Televisions Channel 4, discovered it while researching Electro music and luckily gave it to deejays Dave Thorley and Ian Clark. 

It starts with crashing synthesizers from the start, and electro rhythms are prominent all the way through , however Glenda’s  soulful vocals rise above to  make this one of my all time favorites .Only three original copies are known. Unfortunately I have a bootleg.


David Sea -  Night after Night ( Crown Limited 1984 )  

Mr. Sea sounds very much like Teddy Pendergrass and its well  worth collecting all of his releases.

This is very distinctive mid tempo dancer (with frog like noises at the start) and gained popularity via Robin Salter at the bigger All-nighters .

Was a MASSIVE sound at "The Rock City", Nottingham : Modern Soul nights around 1985 Dj’s Soul Sam, Arthur Fenn, Dave Raistrick, Robin Salter & Gra Ellis.   (D.R.)


Bill - Space Lady ( Dollar Bill Recorrds 1984 )

A  Dave Raistrick discovery and imported by him early 1985,  that I played to death in London.

Its one of my favorite eighties dancers, mainly due to the superb chorus, heavy bass synth and almost Luther Vandross like  lead vocal.

A record that broke big on London’s Pirate stations too, and is  still easy to pick up in 2006 from various dealers, get it now, before its too late.  

I Found this in a Pittsburgh - Penna distributors - back in late 1984.  Was HUGE at "The Rock City" ,Nottingham – Modern Soul sessions in 1985 Played by Soul Sam, Arthur, Myself.  Great pioneering days of Modern Soul. (D.R.)


The Fabulous Playmates - Don’t turn your back (on loving) ( Select 1985 )

A real throw  back to the 70’s for this mid tempo dancer. A superb group sound that has resurfaced as a CD single (2006) via Raymond Simmons of the Playmates.

 This has become more popular again  as an All-nighter sound in recent years, blending well with 70’s crossover plays.


Crystal - Forever Us ( Hit City RRecords 1984 )

Last of the reviews from me and a nice group sound that received only one or two plays in the late eighties at nighters after being discovered and  imported by John Anderson, once again.

It’s a great synthesized    hand clapper, with good male harmonies from Crystal, who I believe had another dancer called “Music Music Music” on Hit City Records . 


That’s all for now !


Simon M   of - London, UK

( Additional comments from Dave Raistrick )







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