
Hello my dearest school shooter. We havent been friends for a while, we only met mid-2020, but still i consider you one of my best friends ever.

While we may have different taste in A LOT of things, and also different opinions about the most basic of things, you were still always there for me and i hope i was too. Even when i was a bit of a dick you still helped me through tons of things in my life , and thank you for that! I think we are all really excited for summmer 2021, so that we can hang again! You are one of the most epic people i have ever met in my life.

And this was the most epic encounter in my life ^. We just played a few rounds of tekken and a bit of chess, and even tho as u can see in the photo i was akward as fuck, i was genueinly really happy i finally got to meet you IRL. And , as much as i would like to go on , i think you already know :D! So, to end this off, i worked on a little edit on an inside joke, which i think you will REALLY enjoy. Atleast i hope so. Glad you're back ulti :)!