Wow! The Roman Catolic Church is really circling its wagons. What could the perceived threat be to define this return to autocratic (if not expressedly tyrannical) Papal authority, thus taking it out of sync with an increasingly open world? Strange stuff. Does anyone know of anywhere in the Bible where this measure of unilateral control of the "flock" is advocated? The Bible is confused and confusing but to my knowledge there is nothing to justify the RCC's unbridled search for unaccountable, incontestable, unquestionable power in these terms.
Yours in God,
David Howe




My, my, what a surprise to find that the Roman Catholic Church, following its tyrannical history of suppression and perversion of divine principles and authority, has come out with yet another remarkable defiance of the real issues. Sounds like this poppycock Pope just can't bail fast enough all by himself so he has brought in a team of infallible toadies to help. I personally am sure that God will give him his just diserts. So be it.
Yours in God,
David Howe




Such a fine attitude! Are you hoping to bring a little of Northern Ireland over here?






Dear Steve,
You've made an interesting point in assuming an association between my tradition-based criticism (why did Henry VIII split off from Rome if not because of the domination of the Church hierarchy and its predilection for telling everyone what to do?) and the curious tussle in Northern Ireland. Do our hard feelings, even when objectively founded, constitute a threat to our own tradition? Are we in the Church obliged to be emotional cripples, uncritically assuming a forgiving stance towards the confusion in the world around us? I honestly don't think that is a primary part of the form of Christianity we have coming out of the traditional Church of England where the monarch united both the religious and secular elements of leadership. Nowadays the British monarchy is evidently not serving this but it's still a part of our background.
Yours in God,
David Howe



















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