September 24, 2000

In as much as the tempest caused by my last letters should have passed by now (the policeman was kind), I would like to invite you to visit my webpages that deal with many things including us. You must have  noticed that my love for you became very painful but, even so, is still here. As you said various times: "Have no  hope." I was taken aback because I have never ever had hope about anything in this world and finally the third or fourth time you said this I asked "About what?" "That I will love you the way you love me." I thought to myself:

"My God, I knew I was in trouble here but it's much worse than I thought. Imagine you being able to love me like I love you. It's absurd. Impossible. I swear that no one has ever loved anyone so much and certainly you in your hostility and confusion do not have the capacity to love anyone at the moment, much less me who is threatening, challenging you by seeing your beauty clearly and undeniably. Behold the tears gathering upon the horizon. I thought it was going to be bad but it's going to be much worse."
At times there is no consolation whatsoever in being right.

Ay, ay, my love. Seems like the weeping will never stop on my side of it all.


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