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Warmest welcome! This site is dedicated to all who seeks for the Truth. It is actually not about a religion but rather a personal relationship with a person who called himself "The Truth". Once you know the Truth, the truth shall set you free. Truth brings health and wellness to your spirit, soul and body.

The gospel or good news of the Truth is centred around GOD's love and grace for mankind. Whatever is written and done for this website is based upon GOD's love for other people. In other words, without GOD's love being demonstrated in my life for the unsaved souls, this site shall never exist. 

This website is being developed with an intention to share the gospel of the Truth to all the world, to defend the Christian faith and refute whatever misconceptions about Christianity. It contains many articles of my interest and I welcome suggestions for improvement of this website. This is an ongoing process for new articles to be added and updated where necessary. In fact, I have been compiling articles for months and it will keep growing. Whatever articles that have been written shall be posted first and more will be coming soon if the time permits.

I am currently working on these questions: true Bible versions, "Is Evolution true?", 3 days and 3 nights of Jesus in the heart of the earth and chronology of the life of the historical Jesus. 

All my completed projects are posted in the apologetic page. Please visit the said page and enjoy your reading. You may write to me if you have any suggestions, questions or things in common to discuss and share. For the sake of avoiding foolish talking or vainless debates, I will only welcome those who believe that God exists and that the religious books of each religion concerned is the book of final authority. However, no one can tolerate a "blind faith" and this call for due respect for each other. "Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". "Faith is not kissing your brain good-bye".  Though faith cannot be proven by scientific methods, it can be questioned and reasoned together. Hence faith is not accepting the religion blindly, but to listen and analyse every words from the founder of each faith as whose words and deeds make sense or not, and then decide to believe in him or not.

I will not advocate that "majority" is always right and "minority" is absolutely wrong. The religious book of the Christians namely the Holy Bible - a collection of 66 books; it provides room for errors if there is any, though I believe there is no error in the original manuscripts. In other words, if some parts in the scripture is incorrectly copied by scribes for transmission, the other books in the Bible will correct it because of the coherency and consistency throughout the whole Bible. Truth is always the opposite of error. Tolerance of each faith is essential but tolerance does not change "error" into the "truth". Faith in Christianity is based on evidence. It is a reasonable faith. Faith in the Christian sense goes beyond reason but not against it. Christianity is about the one who is the Truth, close examination of this person who said " I am the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6)" can do it no harm. No other founders claimed " I am ... the Truth" and shown evidence in the life of the founder other than Lord Jesus Christ. So the "Truth" in the context throughout this website is referring to "Lord Jesus Christ". The gospel is always equated with the Truth. In conclusion, Christianity is rational and not a "blind faith".

This site will be more meaningful for readers who believe that the Holy Bible is a truthful scientific, historical and religious book from the Almighty God, Creator of the universe. The Holy Bible is one of the oldest collection of 66 books which begin with God's creation and end with the prophecy of His eternal inhabitation with mankind. 


Christian Views -- FAQ

Is the Holy Bible from inspiration or from revelation?
Is the Holy Bible the word of God? 
Did Jesus exist?
Is Jesus Divine or God? (Size: 371.1KB)
Is Bible the Word of God? (Size: 47.4KB)
Ancient Church found at Megiddo, Israel
Gospel of Thomas

Bible Versions

How so many Bible versions come into existence?
When was the Bible written and who wrote it?
How we get the Bible?
Which Bible Versions is close to original manuscripts?
Why KJV is still most reliable English Bible?
ESV is examined against the Majority Text KJV


Disclaimer: All comments made expressly or implied  are opinions of the writers concerned and not meant in any way to be defamatory to any person or institution. The webmaster does not fully endorse all articles from the hyperlinks expressly stated which is given for easy reference. If you find the material offensive, kindly email to me and state your case based on sound argument so that it can be amended where necessary.

Note:  While I make every effort to ensure that the articles are written in truth, errors occasionally creep in. I would appreciate you bring any inaccuracies to my attention so that I may make the necessary amendments.

Webmaster: Mark Andrew

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Last Updated: 21-12-2005

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