Chapter 38

Alright, the last time we saw Shaolan, Kero-chan, Tomoyo and Sakura go to a school to fight a new threat. In the school, they get lost because every room ends up being the same room they saw it first. The last thing that happened is that Tomoyo is separated from the group and disappears.

NEwayz...Sakura and the gang (or what's left of it) desparately try to find Tomoyo. However, the same problem that they had before arises and they seem to get nowhere. Sakura is very upset and she begins to cry. Shaolan immediately tells her not to cry. He tells her that crying doesn't help and that they have to find a way to find Tomoyo. Sakura, taking Shaolan's words to heart, wipes away her tears and begins thinking hard on what to do. They figured that searching through doors were of no use and that since Tomoyo had no magic, they could not sense her. The Clow cards wouldn't be much help, either. Kero-chan asks whether Shaolan (rather rudely ^^) knows any searching spells and Shaolan replies that hopefully Tomoyo can stay in one spot until they finally thought up a plan. Sakura then looks excited and says that Tomoyo left an umbrella in the classroom...of Shaolan said, if they could go into a classroom, then they would have just go into the room that Tomoyo was in.

The next few pictures are of some comical portraits of Kero-chan contemplating rather hard. ^^ (Kawaii...) After awhile, Kero-chan starts panicking and states that it's impossible and that no matter how hard they think, they can't seem to think of a plan. Sakura becomes very worried thinking that Tomoyo is all alone and must be scared. Suddenly, Sakura hears a very nice voice and recognizes it to be Tomoyo's. She closes her eyes and begins to absorb the sound. She then opens her eyes more determined than ever to find Tomoyo. In the end, the uses The Shadow to find Tomoyo after seeing her own shadow to get the idea. Sakura goes over to Tomoyo and hugs her asking if she was scared and Tomoyo said that she knew Sakura would find her so she wasn't afraid at all. (Outside, Eriol is watching them, BTW. he does leave, tho and states that with every Clow card that is changed, Sakura becomes stronger) While, Tomoyo and Sakura have their little reunion, Shaolan go outside to find that the school is back to normal.

After this, everyone begins to leave the school. Tomoyo and Sakura have a tender moment in which Sakura says that if it weren't for Tomoyo, she wouldn't have had the strength to find her and thanks her. Tomoyo smiles and she says that she should be the one to thank her. (In this conversation, Sakura also says that she was very close to bursting into tears and if it weren't for Shaolan, she would. ^^ But then, she heard Tomoyo's voice and that gave her strength.)

Of course, this tender moment crashes when Tomoyo expresses her dismay (rather exaggeratedly) on how she could not tape the incident. Before, she couldn't do anything about the stuffed goat episode and now, she wasn't there at all to tape. Kero-chan then states heroically that she taped it for Tomoyo and they both walk off leaving Shaolan and Sakura behind. *grins*

As the other two leave, Sakura expresses her gratitude to Shaolan. Shaolan blushes and asks why and Sakura replies that Shaolan told her not to cry and it isn't just this instant but almost every time she's in trouble that she thanks him for. Our favourite boy from Hong Kong blushes even more and remembers Tomoyo's words. "Sakura is a little clueless, so if you don't tell it to her, she'll never be able to figure it out."

Shaolan begins to attempt to say something and Sakura asks if there's anything wrong. Shaolan then takes off his hat (KAWAII!!! HE TOOK HIS HAT OFF JUST TO TELL HER HE LIKED HER!!! *squeal*) but before he can finish his sentence, Kero-chan interrupts and drags Sakura off leaving Shaolan very shocked. (awww...but still kawaii.)

The next scene switches to the next day at Sakura's school. Sakura admires Eriol's drawings (they're in art class at that moment)and tells Eriol how much he is like her father. She then tells that the next time Eriol comes over, she'll introduce her dad to him. Shaolan, who is watching from afar and Tomoyo, giving him a heart attack by her sudden appearance, tells him that it is too bad that he couldn't express his love for Sakura and perhaps, he should do it today. (Love is kinda too strong a word but you know what I mean.) Shaolan, whose face could be compared to a cherry tomato, nervously states that Sakura is probably too busy today and therefore, there won't be a chance. Ironically, at that moment, Sakura comes up from behind him and says hi (in which Shaolan lets out a huge scream). Sakura apologizes, tho slightly taken aback, tells Shaolan that the day before, he tried to tell her something and she wanted to know what he wanted to say. Tomoyo seeing the perfect chance conveniently leaves the two and much to the dismay of Shaolan's nerves. ^^ NEwayz, when they are alone, Shaolan begins to say that he likes her but is interrupted by a scream. It is from the high school and it seems Yukito has fainted.

Touya takes Yukito to the nurse's office. It is here, that despite many interruptions from Nakuru, that Touya knows that Yukito is not human. Yukito then transforms into Yukito and Touya finally says that he finally gets to see him. Yue continues to state that if Touya doesn't want to know Yukito to disappear, then he should know what he should do. Touya nods but Yue also states that if Touya loses his magic, then he will never be able to see his mother again. Touya says that it's okay because it's not very good that he's the only one who can see her. He then says that, the only problem is that without energy, Touya can't protect Sakura and if that happens, he wants Yue to protect her and also, that Yue should protect himself. (There's a comical moment where Touya is waiting for Yue to say something and Yue has this very unamused look on his face. After this, he has an even more unamused look but says that he will do his best. Touya laughs and says that both Yue and Yukito are alike.) After that, Yue takes Touya's energy and afterwards Touya collapses. Yukito then states that the magic is very similar to Clow Reed's and then he looks at Touya and says that he should say thank you.

Awwww...THE END but so sad and sweet of Touya to give his powers up for Yukito. ^^ Also, Shaolan was extra cute in this chapter. Very kewl....

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