card captor sakura miscellaneous

heh...not a lot of stuff here. actually, not a lot of updates these days. anyway, i've only got one fanfiction (thank you jaelle!) and one omake. i'm always looking around for fanfic i like so hopefully i can add some stuff to this pitifully small section...of course, i still have to finish those gosh darn manga summaries. *falls over* alright, i'm done whining.

angst by jaelle
a very funny and short fic that is a ccs/x crossover. it's an odd combination but it does the job to get a good laugh out of you. (humour)

the cutting room floor by ali
an omake of many situations with our favourite CLAMP members. consisting mostly of alternate realities that we pray will never stoop so low. (it's corney as hell and requires that you intake a lot of sugar before reading.) unfortunately, this is mostly x but there's still some ccs in it. ^^

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