anime hq: ccs introduction

hiya! it's mio, the _master_ of this site. j/k. ^^ newayz, i just realized that the intro to this site was getting old. ^^ for one thing, ccs isn't a new manga anymore like i had said and is now in fact, completed. *pouts* so sad...i might suffer classic symptons of ccs withdrawal in a few months. ^^ newayz, this is basically a little area for me to talk and of course, introduce the series. just as a warning, there are spoilers everywhere and most of the information on this site is based on the manga and not the anime. newayz, on with the intro:

card captor sakura is a manga (and anime) created by clamp. (If you don't know anything about clamp...GET OUT OF HERE!!!...JK. ^^ but you should try to find out more about them...they totally rock!!! ^^) If you like wonderful art, sweet characters, comedy, a unique shoujo storyline, then you'll like this manga/anime. for more information, just click on the links for the information you want on the main CCS page. ^^ (yeah, i know, this intro is lame but hey! it used to be part of the main page...until i decided i needed it to take up space...elsewhere. ^^;)
message from creator dudette whoa...had very old message here. 0_o must be going crazy. newayz, on with my blurb. firstly, i'm gonna miss ccs. T_T but i guess i can always have fanfiction. *grins* mwa ha ha ha... newayz, for this summer, i'll be going to hong kong and i'm getting me some new mangas. mwa ha ha ha... planning on getting some ccs if there are any new stuff, a lot of rk (my list is about 10 volumes 0_o) and X...tons of X. i think it is so awesome! i can't wait to read more! it's nice cause it's not _as_ angst as it was. They've got this excessively happy guy that apparently scares Kamui. (Well, he's not used to it, y'know?) Well, OK, I'm done babbling. ^^

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