The Deaths at Trodes Bridge

This section of this site is about deaths at or near the area of the Trowbridge Road Street Bridge.

Blood on the Tracks

A Bloomfield Policeman revealed to a source that there have been suicides at this bridge, but not by jumping. He cited two individuals who died on the tracks, but not befitting the legend. These are not individuals who leapt to their deaths, but rather both individuals laid their heads on the tracks under the bridge and the passing train took care of the rest. The victims identities are not known at this time, or if these individuals knew one another, or what the time frame of either death was. Neither victim was of high school age.

Hopefully more details will emerge soon.

High Schooler Killed near Long Lake Bridge

In more recent times, a 15-year old boy, James D. Hite, was struck and killed by the train, going 40 mph. Hite and a schoolmate were cutting across the tracks just south of the Long Lake bridge in June, 1971, when the train came upon them from over the bridge. Hite did not have a chance to react, though his schoolmate did jump out of the way, avoiding serious injuries. This spot, though, is at least 1/4 north of the Trodes Bridge.

Perhaps future research will hopefully reveal more deaths or macabre incidents at this place.

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