
Tour Schedules Payment Info Supply List Tour Information Main Page

The purpose of this website was to show off an effective website for a haunted tour buisness. I have been on a haunted tour before and it was great, but the website was not well made. I first designed my website structure (What web pages would there be what would they contain ect). I then created the basic pages and navigation and finally filled those pages fith filler information and haunted tours that I researched. I also looked into the coloring that I wanted to use for my text. The background I wanted to use was the image I have for all of my pages. Since it is mostly black I needed a color that worked well with black. I landed on orage as it contrasted the black, but was not as glaring as white or yellow. For the future I could probably do more research into what fonts to use. I am not very artistic so I had very little idea on what font would be good or if any attempt to change it would result in me making an unreadable and obnoxious text. More Tours would also help and I would add more and more routes with more indepth information as the website grew.