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The following adjacency pairs are the result of havin a natter with Erik out of Uterus.

Baz - Alrite Erik, hows things? First of all I'd like to say Uterus is fuckin brutal straight up porn streaked Goregrind!! What happened with Demonic Orgy and when did Uterus form?
Erik - What's up man! Things are good here. Thanks for the cool words about Uterus! We started Uterus about '98 or '99. I was still doing Demonic Orgy at the time, but me and Jeff just did a tape with a drum machine more of the Goregrind style, and we were going to call it Knee Deep In Guts, but after a while we changed it to Uterus. We had the Uterus name a long time, so we decided to go with that. It sucks that we're not doing Demonic Orgy now, hopefully we'll get back and do it again. The reason for the split was that everybody kinda had to get things in order in their life and we really didn't have the time or money for practising all the time and playing shows. But it was awesome, so I do hope we get it back together.

Baz - What is the current Uterus line-up and who violated what instrument?
Erik - It's me Erik on guitar and I do the drum programming and Jeff is the sick fuck with voice from hell!!!

Baz - Demonic Orgy had influences/had similar sound to bands like Anal Cunt, Impetigo, Macabre and some hardcore/hatecore bands - who influenced the nasty Uterus sound
Erik - Yeah Demonic Orgy was more of a straight Grindcore band with some hardcore type shit thrown in there. Uterus is about the more guttural Goregrind sickness. It's more influences by bands like Gut, CBT, Inhume, LDOH, Mortician, Disgorge, Nunwhoere Commando 666, Dead Infection, Cadaver Removal Technician, Pustulated, Dislimb, Interval Bizzare, and shit load of other fucking sick bands like that.

Baz - What've you been listening to recently?
Erik - Devourment, Pustulated, CBT, Slayer, Sodom, Inhume, Necrobestiality, Sewaged, Terrorizer, Psychosadistic Haterapist, Cunt Punter, and Erotonomicon.

Baz - Do you enjoy a good ol toke now and then?
Erik - OH HELL FUCK YEAH!!!!!! Smokin weed is one of the things I do best!

Baz - Will Uterus be leaving a horrid menstrual trail of blood and chunks behind at any gigs soon?
Erik - That would be nice. We've been offered to play some shows and even at this fest. But we don't have a real drummer, we just use the drum machine. But it would be cool to find a full time drummer and a bassist so we could play live.

Baz - D'you think your releases so far have been well received?
Erik - Yeah, we've gotten good response from the Goregutted cd and the split tape with CraniTripsy [RIP]. The zines have seemed to like it too. I'm looking forward to see what people think of the new songs we did for the 4-way split that's out now and the other split that are coming out. The sound is way better, and the people that I've played it for so far have liked it.

Baz - Are any Uterus songs, like that bludgeoning little number, Garbage Can Full Of Cum written from personal experiences?
Erik - We have a song called the Infamous Road Shitter, which is about a friend of ours that need to shit one night but the toilet was broke so he tried to haul his ass to the store, but he couldn't wait, so he jumped out of his car and shit in the road. HAHA! It was there for days after too.

Baz - D'you have a favourite Uterus song?
Erik - Condom On A Turd is a cool one. We have some new songs that I really like like Snorting Bone Dust, Crippled By The Dick, and Fag In A Woodchipper.

Baz - When I was in school, we had this Sex Education lesson whereby we were required to sheath a small plastic pole with a latex condom - if you were faced with this task as a schoolkid, would you have been more amused if asked to put a condom on a turd?
Erik - HA! I would probably just do it anyways and throw it at the fucking teacher! FUCK YOU TWAT!!!

Baz - Thanks for doing this interview with us, have a good one and stay vile as fuck
Erik - No problem man, thanks for the support! Check out our website for any info on us and we have some mp3s there also. Peace out nigga!!!

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