Traumatized Records
Below is a frolicsome interview with the mighty Spam, the brains behind the most insouciant Spamicidal!

Baz - Alrite Spam you noisy cunt!! How things? First of all, tell us where did it all start with Spamicidal!?
Spam - Thanks. I'm doing alright actually. Spamicidal! was born out of frustration. I was having a really bad time with my old band Dysfunkt. So I broke it off with them and decided that I just wanted to play all the instruments myself. S! was officially born in Spring in 2000. It was first a rap orientated band along the lines of The Bloodhound Gang and Insane Clown Posse. The grindcore influence didn't come about until around 6 months later.

Baz - Where did the band name come from?
Spam - Spamicidal! was some random name I picked out. Of course you know my name is Spam. It wasn't meant to stick. I was only going to use it as a temporary name until I found something better. To this day I still don't even like it, but I've been building a reputation off that name, so I figured I'd just leave it. It's irritating when people forget the '!' on Spamicidal!, but I suck it up and let it slide.

Baz - Is Spamicidal!  a one man project, or are there other members producing the horrendous racket we hear on your releases?
Spam - It's all beatbox. I make all those sounds with my mouth.

Baz - Who created the amusing penis artwork for your album covers and who's idea was this?
Spam - I design all the artwork using MS Paint. I just realized how funny penises and vaginas are, so I decided that the thems of the band would be sex organs. Penisgrind if you will? hahaha

Baz - You recently appeared on a split album with four other bands, two of whom were Anal Penetration and Necrobestiality. These fucks appear to enjoy vigorous anal action and the act of consuming excrement and using it as a sexual aid. Are you good friends with the other bands and do you share their sexual preferences in any way?
Spam - Hah. Actually I happened to be very good friends with Dave [NB]. I don't really know Anal Penetration all that well. As far as my perversions go, I'd say I'm very normal despite having a fetish for disgustingly huge fake boobs. You would however think I'm sort of fecal freak if you've read any of the S! lyrics. But in reality I'm a very 'plutonic' person sexually.

Baz - I enjoy the Spamicidal! songs Bullemic Bukkake Bimbo's Barf Bag and Pickled Tampons For Breakfast immensely. Do you have a favourite Spamicidal! song?
Spam - One of my faves is I Punched Your Tit To Make Your Implant Leak. That song really hits you like a ton of bricks. Dildore The Incredible To The Rescue is another one of my favourites. It sounds like a Tom And Jerry cartoon on acid

Baz - I know it's a tired old interview question that gets asked in more or less all of them, but I'd like to ask who you'd say were your main influences?
Spam - Actually I try not to let any other artist influence me. It keeps my music pure as something that I created all on my own. I like to take my influences from sources other than music. The basic nature of experimentation is my biggest influences. Sketch comedy is a great influence on the band and the music. I like creating characters and either playing the role of those characters or writing a two minute Grindcore account of the life and the times of these creations.

Baz - What bands have you been listening to recently?
Spam - I've been really getting into this artist called metaScape. They're an experimental group rooted in classical music. I've been listening to Shakuhachi, that performs some really relaxing, spiritual Asian folk music. Also Nothing Remains, some really dark classical shit, Michael Andrews aka Donnie Darko, Daughters, sickass experimental grind featuring old As The Sun Sets members, and Bodies In The Gear Of The Apparatus that are blisteringly heavy grind.

Baz - Another recent Spamicidal! release was the Greateshits compilation. What material is featured on it?
Spam - There's some shit off all the releases up to Annul About Anal, and a handul of unreleased material, some that was scheduled to be on a split with Pigsty and/or Amoebic Dysentery but just never happened. By the way those are two incredible bands that I would like to work with some time in the future.

Baz - Are you pleased with how your demos and albums have so far been received by the ever throbbing Grindcore underground?
Spam - I'm quite surprised actually. Of course I have a handful of critics that don't really understand what S! is about, but they're just cuntfaces that I don't need to pay attention to. But I've been getting a lot of decent reviews, especially on the 5 Way split. Personally I think my worst material is featured on that album, but people seem to like the raw edge of it. Hopefully this album that I'm working on will grab more people's attention, silence the naysayers, and deliver what my fans are expecting of me, and more.

Baz - Is there any chance of a Spamicidal! tour at any point in the near future?
Spam - I would love to do a tour. My only problem is that I need dediated people that will work with me and believe in what I am doing. I'm sure that when S! finally starts playing out that the live S! experience will leave the audience dumbfounded. But until then people are just going to have to keep their vaginas in their chastity belts.

Baz - Thanks a lot for this interview Spam, I'd like to wish you all the best with your band and keep it noisy as fuck
Spam - My pleasure. Take care Baz. Everyone keep their eyes peeled for Spamicidal!'s Kill A Mallgoth that should be out Spring of 2003

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