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Here's an interview with Jamie from resident deliberately bad Cybergrind turdfit -

Yuvaak - Now then, what the bleedin hell possessed your glands to secrete Reeking Mucus?
Jamie - Back in the day when me and Baz [co-owner of Traumatized Records] were still in the early stages of getting to know each other [mostly via the Internet] we'd chat about grind for hours on end. This was a novelty to me as I'd never met anyone who actually KNEW what grind was. For some reason one of us [can't remember which] thought it would be a laugh if we made a split CD some time. I think we came up with the names spontaneously if I remember. My band was called Reeking Mucus and his was Dried Semen. We then set off to work making our dire bollocks in Sound Recorder.

Yuvaak - You could smell the cloying aroma of this tired old slapper of a question a mile off. Who are your main influences and to whom could Reeking Mucus be most easily compared?
Jamie - I always find it interesting hearing what other people say RxMx sounds like...It's been described as 'like Decomposing Serenity...but not as good'. I like that. But personally, some of my main influences have to be Anal Cunt, Libido Airbag, SMES, Intestinal Disgorge, Dismembered Fetus, Gut, Microphallus, Squash Bowels and loads of other cunts. Some elements of these bands can be heard in the music.

Yuvaak - Here's a grotesque dual headed question. Given that your material is overtly abysmal, which of your songs is worst of all, and despite this fact, which would you say is the best?
Jamie - There's a lot of songs that I really fucking hate. To say that the project was originally started as a piss-take, I found myself being really unsatisfied with the songs and re-doing them again and again. Remember, all my shit is mixed in Sound Recorder so I don't exactly have the tools to make music properly...I can't even play any instruments - all guitar/drums in RxMx is done with samples...
I got to the point where I started taking RxMx a bit too seriously and released 'Cuntface' which has no comedy elements in it whatsoever, I was just trying my best to make some half-decent music. That turned out to be a pile of shit. However, I really like the track Rectal Fuck from that CD it's probably my favourite Reeking Mucus ditty...
One of the shitter RxMx songs is probably 'Random Babbling to the Tune of War Pigs' [track 11 from Fucked with a Fishslice]'s just the Black Sabbath 'War Pigs' guitar riff with some vocals randomly slapped on top of it. The sound levels are totally wrong and it sounds stupid. In fact, that whol album was pathetic...I quite like the first 2 tracks but it goes downhill from there. A total rush job. Oh yeah, I quite like 'Putting My Cock In a Bee Hive' [track 2 from Legs Spread, Throat Cut].

Yuvaak - I remember Cuntface coming out around the time of an early Munt Viktim gig, I wondered what had happened to the daft edge. Now, as is apparent from the Traumatized releases list, you discharged two gobfuls of Reeking Mucus subsequent to the debut split release with Dried Semen, both of which are now unavailable. What happened to them and what did they sound like?
Jamie - I get really pissed off when I think about this. I recorded 2 albums, one being titled 'CyberCuntNoiseGrind' [which was total balls and no loss to society at all[ and another one called 'Fucked into Oblivion' [which would have been a Traumatized cult classic]. I recorded them both in the space of a couple of days and F.I.O was, in my opinion, 'good'. It was dark, funny, completely unexpected and I could easily put it on repeat time after time [well, it was only about 3 minutes long]. Well for some faggot reason I didn't direcetly burn them to CD, and then decided that I would install a pirate copy of Windows XP which would subsequently FUCK my PC. Needless to say, my hard disk was wiped completely, along with my beloved Reeking Mucus albums.
Since then I've tried to re-create the 'Fucked into Oblivion' album by using some of the lyrics on the tracks from the 4-way Fecal Bath split and also using some of the song titles on later releases eg. AIDS on Toast. If anyone owns this CD they are majorly underground because it doesn't EXIST.

Yuvaak - It is graspable from the Traumatized sloproster of bands that your gorestained fingers are plunged into a number of other musical hairy pies. Please give us details on them, going beyond the rather clunky descriptions on the band and logo page here on the site.
Jamie - Well my main band is Munt Victim, which is straight-up noisy grindcore. The word 'munt' actually means to suck the vaginal fluid from a dead woman as someone jumps on her stomach - we use that as a kinda gimmick in a way, the fact that we're necrophiliacs. None of us actually are, we just enjoy the delights of the obscene heheh. I perform vocals which are generally on the same platform as Intestinal Disgorge [or so I would like to think]. The other vocalist is female and surprisingly pulls off deep guttural growls which generally fucks with peoples' heads. We're recording our first CD very shortly which should be available via Traumatized Records. Check our website at
I'm also part of
Embalmed, a side project put together by myself and Rich of Munt Victim and Violet fame. We haven't actually done anything yet but plan on recording an album which is slow and sludgy but brutal at the same time...some like an Iron Monkey remix of an Autopsy CD doing covers of songs by Carcass and Regurgitate [but we're not].
My other solo project is
Bludgeoning Sexperimental Ear-Drum Psycho Trauma, which is a mixture of harsh noise, feedback, sound FX and weird bollocks. I've releases two CD's so far, both consisting of one track. When I've felt the time was right I have spontaneously improvised a track from scratch and thus made a CD. It's all deliberately rushed so I guess it's an insight into my twisted mind.

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