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Here's an interview with soiled Shitgrind behemoth David of Necrobestiality.

Baz - Alrite there Dave you fecally smeared coprobastard!! How are shits? Necrobestiality is an excellent band, one of my first experiences with the Shitgrind subgenre when I first found your website the other year. Tell us, when did you first squirt Necrobestiality out onto the already heavily stained porcelain?
Dave - Things are going pretty good. I started NB about almost three years ago. I was really bored so I just recorded a bunch of improv noise bullshit. I didn't release any of it for almost a year though

Baz - How did you think of your band name - was it inspired by any depraved underground pornography you stumbled across on the Internet?
Dave - I just thought it up. No big story behind it or anything, I figured it would be a nice name

Baz - One of your early releases was a split with the band Intrusive Thoughts. On your website where the tracklisting is given, you altered the titles of their songs to make it look like they are homosexuals. As long as you don't mind me asking about it, what was it that drove you to make them appear queer?
Dave - After we did the split they decided that I was a dirty, sick bastard. Apparently they saw my website and they weren't amused to they decided they needed to start talking shit about me and NB

Baz - Has Necrobestiality been a one man band for every release, or have other shitheads contributed to some of them?
Dave - It's always been just me. Izedis from the mighty Enbilulugugal has done vocals for a couple of songs. For my upcoming split with Fuck The Facts and Winters In Osaka, I made an intro which features the voice talents of Izedis and Assface Pissneck of Cannibal Horse

Baz - Which bands would you say were Necrobestiality's main influences, and who have you been listening to recently?
Dave - I was influenced by Gut, Meat Shits, Anal Cunt, LDOH, Regurgitate, Squash Bowels.....standard stuff. Recently I have been listening to Basket Of Death, CBT, Mr. Bungle, Disgorge [mex], Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Suffocation, Regurgitate, Decomposing Serenity, Front Beast and Hatework.

Baz - I have several favourite Necrobestiality songs, such as the old skool Colonic Cannon Of Death, the tight as fuck I Bit Off Her Clit, Then Strangled Her With An Electrical Cord and Colostomy Casserole from the recent 5 way split album. Are you pleased with these and do you have a favourite Necrobestiality song?
Dave - No, and no. I hate my stuff. I only hope that one day the shit I record will meet my standards. I will keep releasing it even if it doesn't though.

Baz - Said split album features such bands as Spamicidal!, Anal Penetration and Amoebic Dysentery side project Count Chopula. Are you good friends with these fucks?
Dave - I talk to them all through e-mail and AIM and keep up to date with what they are up to and all that shit

Baz - If you has a full band and were given the chance to, would you do a Gods of Shit tour with fellow excrement munchers Abosranie Bogom, Amoebic Dysentery and Slokdarm Poep?
Dave - Sure would... Too bad that will never happen though. Is Slokdarm Poep still around? They rocked

Baz - What equipment do you use in order to create the unmistakable Necrobestiality sound?
Dave - A guitar, a pedal, my fingers, a computer, my bong, a razorblade and a mirror, grilled stuft burritos from Taco Bell, and pizza

Baz - When did you start your record label , Coprophiliacs Anonymous, and how successful has it been so far?
Dave - I'm not sure when I started CxAxPx, maybe a year and a half ago. I didn't start releasing stuff until the beginning of last year though. It hasn't done too bad so far, I've gotten rid of a lot of my releases. I've released some cool stuff too. I'm working on getting together my first pro cd release right now. I just need to get the money together, If that does ok I want to release some 7"s, But I'll have to wait and see how everything works out.

Baz - Are you pleased with how your material has been received so far and what can we expect from Necrobestiality in the future?
Dave - I am surprised at how well accepted it has been so far. As for the future, expect the worst. My next releases will be NB/Basket Of Death/Worms/Mindfuckingboy/Tumour 5 way cdr, not sure of the name of the label, but it is based in Singapore. This should be out in the next week or so. The Fuck The Facts/NB/Winters In Osaka split tape on My Lai Productions That should be out by the end of the month. Then NB/Collusive/Uterus/Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck [maybe]/Nutskab/Cesspool Treatment 6 way cdr on CxAxPx. That will be out sometimes next month. And last but not least, NB/Fecal Corpse split 10" on Halfchrist Records. The cover art of the 10" will also be made into a NB/Fecal Corpse shirt. Both of which will be out later this year. My Lai might release a limited shirt too. we're still working it out though.

Baz - Thanks a lot for this interview Dave and good luck with anything else you do with your band
Dave - No problem....Thank you for conducting the interview and for letting me have sex with your dog.

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