Traumatized Records

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Here is an interview with Nina of Leeds nutters Munt Victim, conducted over MSN Messenger back in the day when they still spelt their name with a 'K'.

Baz - What music is Munt Viktim? Is it like freelance dinner jazz?
Nina - Nah not at all man, it's like Mongolian opera grind jazz. With hints of death metal literature

Baz - Sounds brutal as fuck. What bands d'you think sound like and/or take influences and that from?
Nina - Well...definitely the Blazin' Squad those guys are fucking amazing. The lyrics inspire us soo much. We sound a bit like Prosthetic Cunt on a bad day, but a good day I'd say more like Cher meets S Club 7

Baz - Nice one, Prosthetic Cunt are ace, I do enjoy their programmed beats and Mortician on crack wizardry. I like S Club Junoirs better than S Club 7 though. D'you find that on Sunday practises after a hefty smoke at the weekend that your vokills are greatly enhanced?
Nina - Oooh yesh definitely, all that phlegm it's fantastic. Personally though, I like a hefty smoke whilst practising really gets me in the mooooood. That's how hardcore I am you see, well you've got to be being in a band like Munt Viktim, we're all stoner ballerinas. You don't get much hardcore than that.
You know what does improve vokils though, is drinking a pint of apple juice, camel piss, choc ice cream and cough medicine. All mixed together of course, works you know, fuckin works a treat.

Baz - Hah sounds ace. I might try the pint of horrid shit actually, it'll have to be cat piss though. If I've got nasty resin throat/chest while singing, the 'pit bull who's clean out of Strepsils' effect is improved tenfold. If I'm having a smoke while playing though, any type of grinding gradually deteriorates into Jamiroquai-esque acid jazz/funk noodlings. When're we doing this duet then?
Nina - Funk is good man. Funk is good. Britney she's pretty funky. Well how about right now?? Meet you in the pub in 5 mins?

Baz - Yep funk is cool as fuck, I've got Jamiroquai in me player at the minute, set up to come on after this here new Oxidised Razor album. I don't mind a bit of Britney either, I got her Oops...I Did It Again album the other day, for a quid from me mate Tom who was selling it for his sister.
Yeh I'll come to the pub, which one tho? The only one near me is the Boot and Shoe and that's shut for refurbishment!!
Nina - Aaahh shit. How about the Dick and Tit. Just daaaawn road

Baz - Nice one I've not been there - isn't it that place where the landlords are those loveable Cyber Porngrind lads Libido Airbag, and the glass collectors are them Porno Goregrind slam riffage geezers Cock And Ball Torture. If it is then perhaps they'll join in with their pitchshifted toilet flush vokills.

At this point I got cut off and Nina had to go so the interview got cut short.
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