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Here's an interview with Kikanju Baku from exuberant UK based Grindcore and Noise record label Lo Fi or Die.

Baz - Hello KB you insane fuck! How are things? I first discovered Lo Fi or Die Records a while ago when browsing the reviews on Braindead webzine. When did you first subject the underground to the noise atrocities and blastbeat abuse it rightly deserves from such a label, and what motivated you to do so?
KB - Ookini Bazra mein spermatik spume spurting skat soused spaztik! Kansha 4 eulogy komrade, komplimentory blowjob from my gran 4 yu when she delivaz the lyophilized anthrax units nexxxt tym the moon iz ryp! hmmmm...reko Lofiordierekadz has been inkurvating kraniumz 4 abowt 3 yeerz or so! shit started kuz i wuz so si uv half baked prostitutez getting dap 4 buztn crippled aphid paced tenuous soft azzed shit an wanted 2 set theez fux str8! so we did!

Baz - Please furnish us with a list of what you have released thus far, for those who are not yet au fair with your label's acts of dissonance.
KB - Basikaly jzt the fukn Jet Jag/Fzt Fwrd 10" LP!!! wuz a GBN - discography CDR which wuz a bootleg uv a bootleg <literally>! MZ garnished shit with new art and we re-enumetated the trax! Napalmed - strident abrasive auricular erosion CD/LP iz redy 2 go an haz been 4 a yeer but we hav not had the kuruji 2 release it due 2 all y'all querulous playmaytz deplorable lak uv support 4 uz nazty fux! a few otha releasez SMU pogrom promo, Sweet Sounds Of The Burning Child - heartless cold-blooded acts of incalculable cruelty, an LOD - karnij komp but they all CDR format unofficial incanabulum 2 oblivion typ o' shit...perspication in2 th unprecedented wrath an all demolishing all devouring savagery uv LofiorFuknDie!!!!!

- The second Lo Fi or Die release, Fast Forward/Jet Jaguar KR3 Kill Spree split 10", sees two extremely volatile acts saturating a piece of wax in seething and incandescent dischord, relenting only to weave in a few strinkingly intricate stuctures. Where did you find these two outfits for such a noisy amalgamation, and are you please with how it has been received so far?
KB - I'm dign yur fukn argot Baz yu nutty fuk! MZ found FF in th barren barbed thiketz uv th Noyz waztes <beleev it wuz the fantabulous AS#5>! Dr Goro kontakted uz an submited sum shit an we wuz lyk fuk hae, an paired both goliaths up 4 a thermo-nuklear throw down! We hav ova th pazt 4 yeerz indefatigably scoured th Noyz/Grrrnd/Dijital undagrownd plukng nare but th sikezt froots! The hol cathexis uv LOD iz agglomerate th esoteric few hoo jzt tayk shit that much furtha! wetha itz speed, inovation, dynamix, harshness, deluzion or dark shit thatz th gaym plan! A collectiv uv the very' very' VERY sikezt fux hoo we then intend 2 splice/conglobulate with eech otha breedng shit so fukn obscene it xceez definition! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH YUR ALL GONNA FUKN ROAZT!!!!!
The 10" haz been received XTREEMLY well, but only 2 th fux with th ovareez/ballz 2 step up an purchase a copy <not enuff>! th predikament being wen sum fuk sayz Noyz/Noyzkor, fux thnk uv dross lyk
Merzbow an WhiteHouse or shit "could do betta with my own chintama an a cheep myk" bedroom Noyz that's werth fuk all! We need 2 get a websyt MP3'z an otha formz uv promulgation avaylabl 2 let mothafukaz know jzt wut they deelng with! FF iz basikally doing there own thng an so iz the Jag there are not reely any bandz on a signifikant parallel which iz wut yu muzt xpekt frum LOD, radikal az fuk, obscenity redefined, hella deranjed shit that wil kayk yur braynz all ova th fukn shop an den sum!!!!

Baz - Of course, you distribute a myriad of underground releases on your label. Can you give us some examples of the kind of music you distro, as well as your most popular selling items
KB - Yah anything xtreem an good! We specialize in Grind/Blur/Blzt an all Noyz <esp Stridor/Harsh shit>, butchu wil also fynd Breykor Dijital shit an anything capable uv severely maming! We don't distribute Punk, HC, Deth or any fukn Metal! Shit haz 2 hav an edj though, fuk distributng downtuned deth or soft shit gotta b vicious <only th bezt>! we uzed 2 go 2 tremendous lengths 2 replete our array with th sikezt shit! we buy almozt evrythng holsayl kuz if yu want th good shit thats how it go! stuff that selz wel....Reg EP'z, GBN EP'z, Senseless Apocalypse titlez, Retaliation, Asscavern, Excrucitaing Terror an Nikudorei!

Baz - As can be gathered from your releases, you are also a musician residing in the band SMU. What instrument[s] do you play, who are your main influences as a musician and collectively as a group, and what do the letter stand for?
KB - I play drummmz! Influencez? Fak lad, so many! I b 1 polymerous mazafak so answering would hav me reeling off litanikal disertationz sumthin fierce! Suffice 2 say fuk all kum frum Grind/Blzt! Supa sik fuk Chinpira layz down th strngz! Yet agayn hard 2 say wut influencez az a group kuz Chinpira iz a similar story! Kidz reely hot hiz on styl an so hav I so wen shit composities - KABOOMt! GEIKOGRIND! Yu reely need 2 sample th impakt personally 2 fully fathom th damaj! SMU dun stand 4 "Shinu Mazafakingu Ujimushi"!!!

Baz - Besides the intensity and skill with which SMU material is played, a salient point is the absence of vokills. I for one think the songs are much more effective as instrumentals, but how do you feel about this? I understand there were proposals to recruit two female vokillists. Do you and your bandmates still favour the prospect of one or more vokillists, or do you now plan to always play as an instrumental band?
KB - Oh so sweet....intriguing yu shood say shit shood b instrumental, othaz say this also! W do intent 2 hav 2 termagants fuck it up 1 tym on vox, but alas findinf a lass that kan surpass and gets off on kilng en-mass iz a mozt demandng tazk! Chix ar all avid an palpitat with felicitous enthusiasm wen we propose but th sekond they jam shit in dey CD playa we looz em! Itz xtreemly fazt violent super energetic shit an I thnk th mad skillz <heh heh> also intimidayt our specimenz! Our boy Cheb Ranso wil do vox if we kaynt get na grrrrrlz, an na fi tess dotchie he wont fuk it up but enhance it I asure!

Baz - It can be appreciated that working on such a label as Lo Fi or Die is a considerable task for one person. Who, if anyone, assists you in the organisation and promotion and whatnot of your label?
KB - I run the label with super sik fuk, PowerElektronix princess and kunoichi malicious Minzo hoo duz hella shit inkluding all artwerk, plenty promotion, deelz wit almozt all Noyz an also bespanglez th label with her own ghastly and terrifyingly harsh an grotesque BioNoyz calamity 'Sweet Sounds Of The Burning Child'! th 3rd final an found member iz H8-Krymz! I deel with th Grind an Blur but there ar so few bandz that tantalize me my job basically iz jzt consoling Minz wen our penury gets a grip on uz and our sociopathic anthrophobic genocidal mania starts getng th better uv uz <calm down banji we wil get there shortly!>

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