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Here is an interview with Ogre Snot Gurgle, owner of scatological DIY eclectic Grindcore record label, Fecal Matter Discorporated.

Baz - First of all, when was the underground first begrimed with Fecal Matter Discorporated, and what motivated your bowels to do so
Ogre Snot Gurgle - I was like 16 I think. I received an Earwigs tape in the mail to review. I was already doing God's Favourite Band and some FeceL-Cide. I was amazed to see another distro/person releasing home made tapes so I wrote Billy Nocera and The Earwigs to find out about this tape collective underground. Then it just kinda took off from there a little. I released several tapes and even help put tofether a 7" with Bastard Noise.
But eventually I had to stop it all for a while because of personal events in my life and situations. It did not come back as an entity until 2000, 7 years or so from the original starting point. And that is pretty much where Fecal-Matter crawled from the sewers.

Baz - You mentioned involvement in two acts, God's Favourite Band and Fecel-Cide. Please give us a brief description of the music you created in these bands, and their releases thus far.
Ogre Snot Gurgle - Hmm. GFB was a complete slack off humour hate it all kinda joke. It started with me and good ol' pal Jesus Phreak. It was a 2 member band. Drums and Bass. All the song were supposed to be like Boredcore/Shitcore. I think I termed the word Boredcore with it. We had several splits with Polluted Thought, Sockeye, and Traci Lords Loves Noise. Then we acquired a drummer kinda full time. His name was Fried Chickum! But alas it did not work out. GFB became a bad situation. Jesus Phreak did his Wild man sessions, Fried Chickum became a bible thumper pimp and myself the Ogre did several projects with side karaoke bands such as : The Branch Davidans and The Gurglettes. Good luck finding it. It was a sexist karoke jams on my part.
Now another part of my brain take over..Fecel-Cide means death to shit or death of shit. Shit being humans to me! It was a noise project formed from pure hate for authority, christianity, and other worldly religions. It was very experimental and was open forum to anyone who wanted to make some extreme noise. In the beginning it was more analog but it eventually became recently more industrailized. Taking influences from : Bastard Noise,
Masonna, NON, Throbbing Gristle, and Nurse with Wound. There was a live show with a local industrial act and a few death metal grind bands years ago. And it was filmed.
Ok we had changed the name for the split with Bastard Noise since it was more of a collective idea. The new name was
Personasnongratas. But in the last 3 years I have been experimenting around with sounds I used in Fecel-Cide with another project I have called Absynth [To His Macabre Angel] and also started Fecel-Cide again which will have 2 splits very soon. One with the great Satanic noise beast Enbilulugugal. And a 5 way on Pure Satanic Noise with Guttural Strap-On a side band of Total Dunkelheit from Sweden.

Baz - Please give us a definition of the terms Boredcore, Shitcore, Hentaicore, Scat Metal and Mouthgrind, these all being subgenres relevant to your label.
Ogre Snot Gurgle - Bored-Core : A type of hardcore grind homemade music. DIY to the extreme. Some examples : Mongolod Gnome, iMBORED, Worms, Polluted Thought, Animal Molestation. It also crosseS over into Tard-core where GFB and bands such as Sockeye, Lobster Assault and Rabid Venemous Laserbeam Death Squirrel are in league, using more real instruments and not so much casio keyboards and pencils, but still holding onto the same shitty quality a bored anti-musician would have.
Now Shitcore that is blast noise. Bands such as :
Arse, Anal Cunt, [early] Meat Shits, Seven Minutes Of Nausea, Pissed Off Orgasm, Deche-Charge, and more.......short grind songs with meanings to piss everyone off. I would say it was first started by Sore Throat. And yes sometimes it has to do with SCAT!
Hentai core - That is people with Anime Hentai Otaku obsessions for Japanese sickness. I have seen several bands use the imagery but not sure if they are actually hentai-core.
Scat Metal - That is more fetish of people into bodily fluids in sexual instances but in music as well. Bands such as : Abosranie Bogom, Necrobestiality, Defecation in Sexual Orgy, Feculence and more and more.
Mouthgrind - I hear members of Assuck did it first in some weird side project joke band, but I guess it is people who make all instrument sounds with their mouths and have filthy nasty lyrics. Bands like oh well anything on Traumatized hahaha also bored-core is possible with this genre as well. I hate genres hahaha the genres were just there to piss people off and have a label for everything hahaha.

Baz - What motivated you to dig up the putrefied remains of FMD again in 2002?
Ogre Snot Gurgle - I heard some newer gore grind band and scat bands, and thought they needed to be heard by people. Plus I knew a few bands that were still out there and got in contact with them. I was searching on the internet of about a year or so..
So i figured if I started again I could get in touch with ppl, check out new bands and sounds and meet some new bands. Plus I was older and more open minded than before I was mostly into noise and some death metal and a lot of crust grind. But now I heard a lot of bands with crusty sounds and guttural sludge vocals like :
Abosranie Bogom, Cock And Ball Torture, Smothered Brothers, Last Days Of Humanity and more.....
Though man, if I heard this 7 years ago I would have flipped!!! There was finally true scatty sewerous horrible stuff now. Also a friend let me heard
Rottenness and Disgorge and was kinda in a daze from their sounds so a bunch of stuff really...

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