******Part 2 Of Playboy Story******

After doing this over and over again without remorse as if in a trance..He seemed to lose his fear...Until One Day...It was November 5th election day when all that changed,

He preceded to grab the Playboy mag

as he had done plenty of times but now it was different in a way he didn't

think possible. As he was taking out a pictorial he suffered a

papercut...He felt the need to look up.....OH @#$%!! a old woman looking

in disgust saw what he was doing the entire time! She turned in disgust .

As he ran from the store.. A few minutes later he thought " Stupid old

woman saw nothing!" Then returned to the store when suddenly a

suspicious man appeared and eyed all the moves the boy was doing, He

glanced and kept walking back to the store. When he saw the strange man

again he felt a STRANGE CHILL GO UP HIS SPINE! He turned a isle the man

followed..Like a chess game without a way out the boy felt trapped he

grabbed the mag but still felt those cold hard eyes on him! Sneaking out of the

store unassuming... there was the man following! He went to the music store

there he was close behind! He left the store went

down the esculator the man followed closer he went back up the stairs

THERE HE WAS AGAIN!! This time the boy decided to confront the man when

he did the man turned away.Only then did the boy realize it was a undercover security guard.."That Old Piece Of #$%@! Must've Squealed!!" He thought as he madly dashed to his parents. In a

frightened flush told his parents about the man who followed, But to

protect himself he couldn't say why he was following him...It took

forever until they left the mall.

(The End?..Or Was It?)

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