Bitter Sweet Victory

It seems like only yesterday, That you didn't want me in your pathetic and wasted life. My emotions crushed, In Anguish trying to figure out why you spited me. Only to find you months later groveling at my very feet! What happened? Didn't you hate me? And now you say It was simply a big mistake? And You want me back in your arms and all forgiven?


I opened up my heart and my feelings to you only for them to be stomped on..I cannot forgive or forget the damage you have done. The pain was too much to ever talk to you face to face there could be no clever comeback. I used to remeber the sweet times we shared but now all I only remember is how you brought me up so high on your love only to send me crashing down and left me shattered.. But in the end I got my revenge for what you did to my heart, What my words could never accomplish.. My Silence has Done. These mistakes caught up to you.. You wish we could start anew but what you have done can never be erased.. This is my Bittersweet Victory

And now you cry tears of sadness wanting all to be the same again for your mistake now wanting me back but I cannot nor will I ever trust you again. This pain is your loss that will continue eating away at your soul reminding you forever more the mistake that cannot nor ever be reconciled.

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