His Story...


Name: Mike Alvarado.

Age: 21.

Hair: Dark Brown.

Eyes: Brown.

Religion: Why I'm inventing my own! ha! ha! ha!ha!

Girlfriend: None.

Hometown: Austin Texas

Mother: That's None Of Your Business!

Father: See The Above...

Birthday: April 23, 1978.

Best Friend: A sock Puppet Named "Mr. Winkie".J/K!

Pets: One Cat.

Brothers Or Sisters: None.

Favorite bands:Verve Pipe,Offspring,Live,Tool and Foo Fighters.

Hobbies:Cartooning,Computer Graphics,Sometimes Hiking, stalking people And writing crazy stories.


Mike Alvarado Creator of this site was excreted on to this earth April 23 1978, His life was troubled from the get-go as he was raised in a dysfunctional family, But had a loving mother to guide him through life as he was a very happy child growing up.Learned real young to never disobey the cops after seeing two cops slam face first a escaping felon at a party, The apparent dysfunction and Nuerosis spawned Mike's creative drive in 1992 in which he created AzNaR's PsYcHoSiS . In 1996 his aunt gave him a old Mac to try his skills on..It was a Success! Within two weeks he learned how to make cartoons using only a mouse! First the drawings were a bit grainy and crude. Still his skills got better to the point of drawing to a perfect edge,In August of 1996 he had submitted these cartoons to United Media...To say that the editors were short sighted is simply wrong....THE EDITORS WERE MORE LIKE OUT OF THEIR FREAKIN MINDS! IF THEY DIDN'T THINK THAT WAS BRILLIANT!!! IT WAS FUNNIER THAN WHAT THE OTHER SO-CALLED CARTOONISTS UNDER UNITED'S CONTRACT COULD EVER DO!! OR DREAM TO DO! THEY WOULDN'T KNOW GOOD CARTOONS IF IT BIT THEM IN THE...Let me settle down...their...all..better...Well as I was saying it didn't work out but Mike was not about to quit,He submitted them to the XL (local paper in Austin) But the management didn't think he was ready. (Mike Sutter if your reading this.. a compliment about drawing with a mouse don't help when your living in a friggin rathole!! compliments don't pay the bills! i gotta eat too you idiot!!) Anyway Mike one day dreams of living his ultimate fantasy of being the highest paid graphic artist and best selling cartoonist and Alicia Silverstone's future husband.Currently Mike is working on his brainchild WORLD DOMINATION!! HA! HA! HA!, Mike Currently resides in a really small room with no windows and only the voices in his head to keep him company...

(the end)

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