Just What Is..?

Well Wonder No More!

AzNaR's PsYcHoSis Is a cartoon created by Mike Alvarado , About how one man's psychosis spreads to those around him including his family and friends, The creation above all else is truly remarkable..,The cartoons were created using only a mouse, a ancient Mac computer and a dream to create a comic strip that dealt with the "psychosis" and "sickness" that inhabits our everyday lives.

The Cast consists of Marty Aznar a psychological basket case whose utmost fears and thoughts dominate the strip, Warren is Marty's best friend and deadbeat whose troublesome search for love drive him over the edge.. Warren has a tendency to make the other characters in the strip angry with his own sorrows. Sandra is Marty's on again off again girlfriend who puts it best "Marty your screwed up i'm screwed up,Nobody would want the emotional sickness we bring with us...Lets get together" Sandra's envy for her "shapely dumb little twit!" sister tends to get in the way of her ambitions of "Life without a moronic family to go home to." Sid is Marty and Warren's friend who goes from job to job never seeking responsability and living in a less than comfortable apartment and whose philosophy goes.."A good job is one you can run away from!" Marty calls Sid a "Ginghead without the ging".


You decide for yourself whether these cartoons are stroke of genuis or a Cry For Help!! View AzNaR's PsYcHoSiS.

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