Our story begins in 2005 when we shared a Physics class at Newbury Park High School. Brian says he remembers exactly where I was sitting, but I don't so how he could be faking it! We graduated and went our separate ways until June 2011, after I had returned back home to Newbury Park from undergraduate school. We reconnected on Facebook and that same day Brian joined me while I took my dog to the dog park. The rest is history! We spent the next 3 years not only navigating and growing our relationship, but we did so while I was in Physical Therapy School (not the most stress-free of situations). In Oct. 2012, we added to our future family when we bought our first cat, Pandora. In Jan. 2014, while in my last semester/internship of PT school, we moved into our house together. As I graduated that May, Brian further added to our family, and bought our second cat, Cleopatra, as a graduation present. Now, 10 years after our story first began there is only one thing left to do... make it official!