Ranking Dragon Ball Z Arcs

Lets get this out of the way, I consider an arc to be the major
story breakdown. Each arc can be further broken down [i.e. Ginyu
arc in the Namek arc], but I'm looking at the over all feeling.
Six arcs, six ranks. Let's get to it.

6. Buu Saga

I hate Buu. I hate everything about him. He's just the worst. I don't
think there's a single thing about Buu I like, except to see him get
his ass beat by Beerus in the Battle of Gods arc in Super. When we first
hear about him, he's almost mythical. You have to wonder if he's even real,
or if Babidi is just following a stupid legend. When he is awoken, rather,
he is a fat, obnoxious goo ball that I couldn't wait to see get wrecked by
Goku. Just... awful.

5. Otherworld Tournament

This is almost as bad as Buu. A huge thing it has going against it is that
it's filler. It has no ramifications to the plot. It's just a way to see
what Goku's doing while he's dead, because God forbid we follow someone
else for a change. Not like Gohan just saved the damn world. Although, it is
interesting to see a bunch of dead aliens, learn more about the Kais, and
people seem to like Pikkon, but he has no real character, other than he's
Piccolo, without being Piccolo. Not the worst, but FAR from the best.

4. Garlic Jr/Black Water Mist

Now, this is still filler, just like the Otherworld Tournament, but Garlic Jr
is a bit of a more interesting character to me, because he can't just be
blown up like any other villains. He is IMMORTAL. It's one of the
reasons I like Zamasu. They have to think of how to beat him. We get a lot
Mr. Popo and Kami, just trying to do their best at their jobs. They're not
fighters. Now, never for a moment did I feel like Kami and Popo were ever
not going to make it, but when death isn't really a consequence, now that
the Namekian Dragon Balls had been introduced, it didn't really matter. You
could say that after Frieza, the plot didn't matter, but oh well.

3. Namek

Look, Frieza is arguably one of, if not the single best Dragon Ball villain.
But hear me out; the "lackey" arcs suck. An arc is only as good as its
antagonist, and Zarbon, Dodoria AND the Ginyu Force suck. The first two
don't have much character other than surface level, and the Ginyus are just
obnoxious. People tell me they're cool because they're parodies of the
Power Rangers, but I'm not crazy about the Rangers. Now, once Frieza steps
in, everything cranks up to 11. It's just such a chore to get there. Alos,
don't think i forgot about that space ship and fake Namek.

2. Saiyans

This is getting by for two reasons, Raditz and Vegeta. Raditz is cool to me
simply for his potential. Sure, it's wasted potential, but it's potential
nonetheless. He shakes up the entirety of Goku's world. He's not some mystical
monkey boy, he's Superman! They totally could've done much more with him, even
bringing him back with a wish. Now, Vegeta is probably the character that goes
through the most character growth, second only to Gohan maybe. The only negative
things about him is he always hurts their cause by helping the villain. Now everyone
knows that, it's one of the main DBZ memes. The worse thing is...
Good God! Now, I'm not talking about Future Trunks, I mean Kid Trunks, running
around with Goten fighting Broly Trunks. Just... ugh.

1. Cell

Alright, yes I'm biased. Who isn't? I love Cell. 1st form and Perfect Cell. I could
take or leave Semi-Perfect Cell, and I don't really care about 17 and 18. They got better
over time, but 19 and 20 were just boring. But the whole thing gets much better once Cell
comes in. He just seems so threatening, then his appearence dips into goofy, but once he
is the main threat, and becomes Perfect, he is so much fun. I really don't have much to
say critically, I just love this arc. I love Cell. We get a bit of Frieza, meet his father,
it kind of sets up Cooler, Vegeta goes Super Saiyan, and the crowning jewel of the series,
Gohan vs Cell. And best of all, Goku dies. For real. To bring him back later, they had to
essencially cheat.