My Recurring Dream. What Could it Mean?

It starts with me in the house I lived in when i was 5-6 years old. As I turn
the corner to go downstairs past the kitchen, I look to my right, and in the kitchen
at the sink, is a carnotaur, from Disney's Dinosaur, I quickly duck down, but
he sees me. I run from him, and he closely follows. I make it into my bathroom, and the
bathroom isn't the bathroom from this house, but the bathroom from the house I lived in
most of my life. The carnotaur bangs against the door, as I somehow am able to hold it
shut, then it stops. I wait a few seconds, then look out the door. My house is gone, I'm
in an empty wasteland. Everything is on fire. Everything's gone. Then I either wake up,
or it turns into some other dream.
I took a psychology class, and when we got to dreams, and their meaning, I was hoping
to find out what it meant. The only thing my teacher could tell me is the Freudian idea
of doors meaning sex, so her theory was simply that I wanted sex. Thanks! I'm a
17 year old in high school. I could've figured that out. Are there any psychologists[sic]
that could possibly tell me? Send me a message by clicking HERE

I'm not desperate, it's just always in the back of my mind.